Generation "What-the-Heck-Happened?"

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein

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I noticed something about my conversations of late, be it with friends over dinner, on the phone or steemit and discord - the state of the socio-cultural-education of children of this new era. Whether these are children borne by Gen Y, or the millennials is not the concern, the question is what on earth is happening to this soon to be adults who will ensure the evolution of our species...?

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

The social ecosystem of the human population has changed DRASTICALLY over the last 15 years - exceptionally so over the last 10 years. With the advent of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube; our catch ups are online, through follows, likes and emojis. Information that is preferentially consumed, has been reduced to bite sized pieces for easy consumption and edification, sorry let me make that simpler - digestion.

With the advancement of technology, our gadgets have become so accessible that almost every adult in the first-world and a large population of the developing-world have smartphones. There are households now that no longer have landlines. I recently had a teenage student who did not know how to use a button dial phone. She hit the numbers on the phone and then picked up the receiver as if it was the dial button - a complete reversal of a process, most of us have become accustomed to. But, this was something I initially struggled with in switching over to a smartphone, as those who've used a rotary dial phone or old button press mobile phones would know.

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. - Albert Einstein

I'm not putting technology down, I love it, and it is wonderful what we can do with the kind of advancements and gadgets we have. However, is the technology that is meant to enrich our lives actually dampening our intelligence and that of the future generation?

I know, I know. Every generation is supposed to be smarter than the one before. I TRULY would love to have the younger generation outshine us in so many ways. But I fear, we are in for an interesting demographic of young adults in the next 10-15 years. Here's why.

1. Screen Time - Tots to Teens

From the minute babies are born, adults provide stimulating videos for their "mental" development. Then as adults trying to get back to work, social meetings, and online calls - children are offered reward distraction of screen time, playing games or engaging in whatever it is that is trending these days just so parents can get through the day.

Mentally - Children do not have a "break", as there is a steady stream of information INPUT. They do not have enough information OUTPUT. Meaning, they are not compelled to analyse, synthesise and create something original. Sure, schools encourage projects etc - really, how much of that stimulates innovation and absolute creativity.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein

The simplest, earliest and free form of creativity starts with daydreaming. Something that can only happen when they are bored, when they are left alone to explore an environment with minimal incoming information. A place of stillness and quiet. Call it boredom if you will. It is the alchemy of genius ideas.

Some may argue apps and programs are there to help children build. No, it is not the same. We have a brain with two cortices dedicated to SENSORY and MOTOR processes and an association cortex of all the sensory-motor systems.

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When children play with physical toys or interact with the environment and build things with their hands and get all their senses involved, it fires up many parts of the upper cortex.

When children daydream - it fires up whatever senses they use in their daydream. If they are flying a spaceship - then parts of the motor cortex needed for that will fire up, along with some other parts needed to build and reconstruct images and "sensations" that are being created in the moment.

So, it would truly help if children are given time to just be bored, play with physical objects and be out in nature rather than overindulge in screen time (let's be honest it's not going to go away completely).

2. Indoor Playgrounds

Then there is the fear of a scary world that has created a group of isolated individuals, who engage in curated playdates - much of which happen safely indoors. Sometimes given a choice to go outdoors, some children choose to play their favourite games together inside, in the comforts of a temperature controlled room with access to food, drinks and WiFi.

Consider a time when children were left to explore the neighbourhood with their friends. They learned to navigate on both the social and geographical plane. Meeting strangers, learning how to greet, assess and behave in social situations that were new and unknown, helped build social skills and emotional intelligence.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. - Albert Einstein

Especially in a playground situation where new personalities are encountered. Of course, having parents who teach children how to communicate their thoughts, basic conflict resolution would help create a better playground experience. As for those who are concerned over the safety of their young ones, even observing from a distance whilst allowing them to play with minimal supervision will help them build these essential human interaction skills.

Whatever the approach, independent play is important to help children self-regulate and practice social skills. They will need to do this on their own some day after all.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein

3. Online Socialising

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. - Albert Einstein

There are lots of friendships that are being forged online these days. Though there are some genuinely loving relationships that are built up, the fact that we are losing the physical touch and organic flow of a conversation can be socially disabling.

On a screen where most responses can be thought of, typed, edited and then posted, we have many layers of filters. On the opposite end of the same spectrum lies the thin veil of cyber bullying where a build up of words in a hate comment is sent off without much thought or consideration of the recipient on the other end.

If the same conversation were to take place face to face - we would quickly learn to manage our responses, apply filters where necessary/possible (or learn soon after) and expose our vulnerabilities. In the case of disagreements, we certainly would not be so callous as to throw our words at a person as we would in a text box.

Children who are growing up with hours of unfiltered chats do not have the same opportunity to exercise these valuable social communication skills nor learn the subtleties of body language and facial expression. They may be exposed to some through family members and school, however, we have a wide variety of personalities and cultures to learn from, as the world is made of more than our immediate family and friends. As for those long distance friendships online, long distance skype chats, face-times or snap chats are not quite the same as playing together, having sleep-overs or getting into trouble together. Don't be alarmed, I'm not talking about trouble like drugs or anything, just silly little things like breaking stuff, sneaking out and maybe planning a little party without adult supervision - some children learn consequences the hard way, but they also learn solidarity, sticking up for each other, learn to face the music and a thing or two about peer pressure and mitigating it.

Again, nothing quite like learning life lessons with friends and creating fond memories of events. We don't always remember what we talked about, but we certainly remember actions and events.

4. EQ - Is that an App?

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein

Finally - coming to Emotional Intelligence. We have heard plenty on social media rants of the lack of emotional intelligence in the millennials. I shall hold my judgement on the millennials and ask this question instead.

When in the history of education have we EVER paid attention to emotional intelligence?

A component so vital to our mental, emotional, physical well-being and success, is an after thought brought up only in the last 30+ years. It has gained some popularity in mainstream media and consideration during recruitment of an employee. Is it a curriculum in school?

What about the awareness of this concept from an early age, maybe even a few tips and tricks, role playing, vocabulary to express themselves or techniques to calm down when over stimulated, etc.

5. So Now What?

Backtracking on the idea of introducing a curriculum that helps build emotional intelligence, there are two things that deserve a little contemplation - parenting courses and the use of experiential learning.

We, myself included, berate the state of our new generation, but we are extremely unfair to a generation of adults who are raising children on their own, while working a fulltime job, and juggling their social, parenting, health, community and whatever else engagements they have in a day. It seems like some of these balls are bound to drop.

Most cultures and communities, at one point, had a social system where children were not just brought up by parents, but were cared for by family, neighbours, co-workers, teachers and village/neighbourhood elders, some still practice it.

It does not help that we are experiencing a steady geographical demographic shift moving nuclear families closer to the city for job opportunities, and further from the extended community support they sorely need. For those who can reach out for help, but are are caught up with hyper vigilance and reclusivity deny themselves a wealth of love, wisdom and support. Sometimes, the surrounding community members can be hard to deal with, but if we don't set an example as adults in how to accept differences, how will children learn to respect each other during disagreements?

Then there is the state of the education system. I am going to pick just one aspect of it, otherwise this will turn into a 1000 page thesis.

Experiential learning. There are some schools and school systems recognising the importance of this form of learning and are moving their learning modules towards more holistic, organic and experiential methods. However, the rest of the world is still very much loyal to an antiquated wrote learning system created during the industrial revolution to mass produce skilled workers.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. - Albert Einstein

The point of my almost 1500 word rant? It would be easy of course to have a one point solution, like an app, or a course, or a book - but I don't think quick fixes can do much to uproot a generation of bad habits we have accumulated. Personally, I think it takes time and a change in mindset and lifestyle.

Since I can not ignore it anymore, I will start incorporating exercises in my workshops and yoga classes, that will help build mental focus, attention and teach children to recognise the landscape of various emotions. Perhaps even include more role playing activities to work on regulating emotions and navigate thought processes through unique social contexts.

Second thing is to initiate small community talks and encourage open discussions on parenting and educators groups, on how we can instill new social, educational and community frameworks to support families and schools who are ready for the change.

And finally, although all my workshop and activities are experiential in nature, I will definitely be mindful and aware of ways to continue improving the delivery and implementation which sometimes falls on the wayside when classroom management starts taking centre stage.

Please do share your thoughts and ideas on this matter in the reply section below on how we can bring about a lasting change. I look forward to reading your comments.

And my apologies for the lack of visuals to break up the information. It was a conscious choice on my part - despite being a highly visual person myself. Thought we could all enjoy a little mental workout ;)

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein

Previous Posts of Interest:

On life:

Future in the Hands of an Infinity Gauntlet or Pursuit of Happiness
Courage in Vulnerability - Walking the Walk not just Talking the Talk
Have You Listened to Your Gut Today
The Imposter Syndrome, an Unfortunate Chemistry Class and the Road to Recovery
Why Motivational Quotes are Driving Me Nuts
Benefits of Being a Student for Life

On yoga, creativity and leadership:

How to Relieve Writer's Block using Backbends and Downward Facing Dogs!
Yoga and Leadership Series: #2 Yogini to an Entrepreneur - an Insight to Yoga and Spirituality
Yoga and Leadership Series: #1 Introduction - A Brief History of Yoga

Poetry / Haiku

If Truly I had Eyes that See
Is Leadership an Outward Reflection OR an Inward Journey?

MY Ikigai:

What I LOVE: Writing about life, expressing ideas, poetry, haiku, short stories and motivational quips. Practicing yoga and internal reflections, walks in nature, compassionate acts towards nature, animals and humanity.

What I OFFER the world: Innovative solution to Creative Self-Expression. With a passion for Creativity, Innovation, Integrity and Authenticity in thoughts, words, and deeds.

What I am/can be PAID FOR: Writing, teaching yoga, books (in the making), training, facilitating. And hopefully to sit and spin out creative ideas/solutions at whim!

What I'm GOOD at: Hypnotising my Yoga students apparently! Writing from the heart, being a hopeless romantic, passionate utopian, innovator and creator of all things fun and uplifting.

The IKIGAI - SoulArist

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Yoga and Leadership Series

I was going to use the website to publish these materials, however, with the discovery of Steemit, I will be redirecting the flow of these posts to start here at Steemit and then to the website. I am new to this whole program, so please bear with me as I find my footing on this platform, with the help of all my fellow steemians here no doubt ;)

I am very grateful for the support and encouragement from @maverickfoo @elizacheng @bitrocker202 @curie.

Thank you for introducing me to a revolutionary world of self-expression. One that is mutually beneficial, engenders greater awareness and provides entertaining intelligent banter #awesome

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