Mental Health (13) 心理健康(十三)—【購物狂Shopaholic】︳月旦評

Too enjoy shopping is a common addictive behavior in mental health, have you seen the following movie?

瘋狂購物是心理健康最常出現的成癮行為(Addictive Behavior),大家有看過這部電影嗎?

Addictive Behavior

An addictive behavior is a behavior, or a stimulus related to a behavior (e.g., sex or food), that is both rewarding and reinforcing, and is associated with the development of an addiction. Addictions involving addictive behaviors are normally referred to as behavioral addictions.

  1. Craving strongly, even to the point of compulsion.
  2. Loss of Control, though tried, failed to control the behavior and ran out of control.
  3. The Continued Act continues even with serious negative consequences such as physical or mental health, social or family relations, work or criminal liability, etc.



  1. 強烈渴望(Craving),甚至達到強迫行為的程度。
  2. 失去自制(Loss of Control),雖然嘗試但卻無法控制有關行為,並出現失控感覺。
  3. 不顧後果(Continued Act),即使有嚴重的負面後果(如影響身體或精神健康、社交或家庭關係、工作或刑事責任等),仍然繼續。

December is a shopping month, there are my gf's birthday, we have a 8 days trips and the X'Mas. When I was annoyed that the girls will shop a lots. A few days ago, it's my turn! Have you heard about the cryptokitties? I have a little amount of ETH, so I try to buy some kitties. After one days, I don't believed I use all my ETH to buy more than 5 kitties and breed them. OMG! Now I totally understand when people addict to a favor things, you cannot control at that moment. You must have a plan to control your behavior. For me, just set a boundary of amount. Wish you will shop a lots but will not over budget!

Merry X'Mas and Happy New Year!

十二月是一個購物月,有我女友的生日,我們有一個8天的旅行,以及聖誕節目。 我常常不明白為什麼女生會瘋狂購物, 幾天前,輪到我了! 你有聽說過cryptokitties嗎? 我手上有一點上以太幣,所以我嘗試買虛擬貓。 一天之後,我不相信我竟然用盡所有的以太幣來購買了五隻虛擬貓,並且把它們繁殖起來。 我的天啊! 現在我完全明白,當人們上癮的時候,你會完全無法自拔。 你必須有一個計劃來控制你的行為, 對我來說就是設定一個限額。 希望你在假期會購物愉快而不會超出預算!

Introduction of Mental Health-Part I︳ 心理健康介紹(一)(1)
Introduction of Mental Health-Part II︳心理健康介紹(二) (2)
Bipolar Disorder︳躁鬱症 (3)
Emotional Problems︳情緒之悲秋 (4)
Misconceptions of Mental Disorder︳戲假情真/戲真情假? (5)
Positive Psychology︳認真便輸了 (6)
Dissociative Identity Disorder︳人格分裂之角色 (7)
Investment in Mental︳精神層面的投資 (8)
Pressure Management︳壓力管理 (9)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part I︳強迫症(上) (10)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part II︳強迫症(下) (10.5)
Affective Education︳談談情說說愛 (11)
Eating Disorder︳進食失調 (12)

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