Description(说明) | 中文 | English |
Current city(所在城市) | 吉隆坡 | Kuala Lumpur |
Weather (天气) | 阴 34度 | Cloudy 34'C |
Exercise (运动展示) | 体重运动 | Body Weight Training |
Focus(注重部分) | 腹部 | Core |
从新介绍 Reintroduction
Do you remember there's this 1 guy in your class room, where everybody having a good time, he's the one who go report to the teacher who brought whatever junk that is against the school policy? I'm the one. Not a good boy, but like to make other kid looks bad! All that was the passed. I think I'm a slightly better person today, less annoying and like to share, but sometimes still too long winded. Here's what makes today's story, I have receive some inquiry from friends in regarding how did I do workout from home? Why don't I go to the gym? I have 2 answers to them, I am shy. I will always let myself get pass the gym by saying I'm still too slorppy to go to the gym and people will look down on me. On the other hand, I scared I hurt myself from trying to compete other bigger fella if I really go to the gym. I'm those kind of kiasu(pride) fella that doesn't voice it out but quietly be a ghost competitor of nearby experts. So yeah, if the fella does 10kg x 5 reps, I would have quietly go for 11kg x 6 reps. And nope, financial wise I'm still far behind of everyone. I know right, how great if I can do the same surpassing everyone in terms of financial stability. I could have more time concentrate on writing here. Nevertheless, today is about introduction of the equipment and stuff I did at home workout.
使用的工具 Equipment
Workout app - Go to your PlayStore, search for BODYWEIGHT GMBH and the above will show. Free installation, free registration.
这个计时器非常好用。可以到PlayStore 去查询 BODYWEIGH GMBH 就会弹出来了。免费安装,免费注册。
DAISO finger socks
Vibram Fivefinger indoor exercise shoes
Skin tight yoga pants and glove. I know, these will raise 2 different questions. The pants looks gay, and trust me I don't like it either, but it does helps to reduce friction between the thighs especially when doing a lot of mountain climber/mountain runner! Another question is, if not in gym lifting weight, why need gloves? The answer is simple, prevent slippery.
新的挑战 New challenge
As Good Friday went by, Saturday and today Easter Sunday, abstain diet completed. I'll be back to normal diet. I'm going to enjoy my favorite Texas Chicken tomorrow regardless! Hence I'm going to weight in again this evening and start a series of work out on Monday. No weighing scale data for you guys today. But do enjoy my gay skin tight pants.
When it started 刚开始时
23 minutes later 二十三分钟后
If you have no idea what challenge I'm talking about, here's the link to my introduction post.