轉眼就星期三,塞了一個多小時車,終於到碼頭坐船到達氹仔。過關時跟關員四目交投了幾回,他目無表情地問「你第一次來澳門?」「嗯,是的。」我在期待一句歡迎... 落空了。
Last Monday, I was suddenly asked to go Macau for helping the decoration of shop promotion. In my peer, I am quite sure I was the rare one that had never been in Macau. Actually I had thought of visiting Macau after the Venetian was finished. However, I gave up after I searched the price. It was not worth going. If I increase a little bit budget, I can choose long distance trip to other Asia areas.
I immediately googled map of Macau. Imagined if I can extend and stay one day more by myself. (Failed) In the blink of an eye, Wednesday had come. After 1.5 hours traffic jam, arrived Taipa. The poker face custom officer asked, "First time in Macau?" "Yes." I was waiting for a greeting and welcome. Nope.
Outline 起稿
Recently, addicted to pink outline. Inspired by a court dress staff passing by in Parisian.
Coloring 上色
Gambling chips in the backgound. Fantasy tone is constrained on pink, blue and yellow.
I first arrived Parisian for the decoration, then the Venetian. There was not much visitors in Parisian. I just thought is that the reason of non-peak season. However, the Venetian proofed me wrong.
In the day time, the fake classic architeture didn't attract me so much. With the cloudy sky, it was dull. But, at night, the whole area was lighted up, with beam and spot light performance. Luxury feel everywhere.
Background and fine tune. 背景和修飾
The outline in pink colour is weak, especially the face. I filled the outline again with purple colour pencil.
Mission completed, had a little walk in casino before leave. Hi-lo is the most popular, tables were full of people. I am not familiar with other games. Anyway, it renews my memory of casino from movie to real^^
Epilogue 後記
Rush to Rua do Cunha for snack souvenir. Most of the shops were closed. Some chains still open and small shops where the bosses already finished dinner and chatting. Didn't try chains' snacks because it is not difficult to buy. Tried small shops with one sweets mix and flossy pork crisps. The sweets was not my family's favour. They said it was not the "old taste". But the flossy pork crisps gained likes.
Macau is so close to me but with the same reason I seldom consider for travel. Thanks to this rush trip, I want to visit it again. Sight seeing and of course a day dream of being princess in the grand and elegant resort^^