Hello everyone! This is my entry of @helene's Drawing Challenge #5. (Thank you again, and Opheliafu too!) This week's theme is hand. I drew a special gesture of my hand : V sign.
Recently, many news or breaking news about booms. It reminds me this sign.
I think many of us had heard of some keywords of the V sign: victory, peace, Churchill, etc. At the beginning, it was the meaning of victory in the WWII.
Belgian French-speaking broadcasts on the BBC promoted using V sign as a sign of victory. The citizens used this sign as a "mental attack" to the enemy.
This practice spread to other countries, e.g. Netherlands and France.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill approved this campaign and he also did using the V sign himself.
Later, in the Vietnam War, it had a twist into the meaning of peace:
Protesters against the Vietnam War (and subsequent anti-war protests) and counterculture activists adopted the gesture as a sign of peace. Because the hippies of the day often flashed this sign (palm out) while saying "Peace", it became popularly known (through association) as the peace sign. source
I know the first meaning and the origin. But it is the first time I heard about how it becomes the sign of peace :o
大家好,這是我參加 @helene's Drawing Challenge #5的作品。(繼續感謝舉辦和嘉賓Opheliafu!)這次主題是《畫你的手》。我畫的是 V字手勢。
我想不少人都對這個手勢的來由有一點點認識,關鍵字好像英文的勝利Victory,和平,邱吉爾等等。最初這個手勢來自於二戰,在比利時的廣播建議人民用 V字來表達勝利。人民包圍著敵方(德國軍隊的人),做著同一個手勢,令對方感到被包圍和不安。
英國相首相丘吉爾在一次演講中批準了這個計劃,他自己也開始在公眾前使用 V字手勢。
後來 V字在越戰時演變成代表和平的手勢:
Outline. 起稿
My hand. I drew with live reference, took photo after drawing. hm... I drew it a bit fat @@ (But I like thick hand)
我的手,在畫完後才照的,好像畫得有點肉 @@ (不過有肉的手好啊)
Drawing the shadow, the pencil work part finished here.
Coloring 上色
I fill the hand with colourful gradience to represent peace and happiness. Colour picking is base on rainbow order. I prefer the base colour not very odd changes and mixing of colours. Also, randomly add colour dots and lines.
Preparing spray effect of color. Use a paper cover on the drawing, and trace the line. Then, cut out the hand part.
Spraying. 噴洒中
I also applied splash of colours. This is the demo of how I made it. Using a straw to concentrate the part I want to blow. But I still can't control very well.
Fine tune 修飾
This time I keep the background plain. Adding lovely details by gel pens and add the "tattoo" with the word peace in Chinese : 和平 (Looks cool :P)
Epilogue 後記
The V sign also has other meanings. For example, the reverse of V (showing the back of hand) is an insult sign in some Commonwealth nations. I had heard about it long time ago.
However, I see this sign in K-pop stars videos and photos now. Is it the same meaning or a new version of this?
In East Asian countries, V sign means peace, also a expression of "yeah". I always make a V sign while taking photos.
Few years ago, girls like to put the V sign near by the cheek. It can make the face looks slimmer and cute too.
It is impossible to have zero conflict between countries, but I hope the V sign power still works. Peace.
國家之間的紛爭不能避免,唯希望 V字的和平精神到今天也能發揮作用。
reference : V sign
image source : Gong