FINALE MILESTONE - "REFLECTIONS OF A BLESSING" - A Collaborative Art Journey No. 23 - We've created over 400 images!!!!


Are we fantastic, or what?

83 ArtiSteemians have been a part of these collaborations over time,
and we are still going strong!

@manuel78 is debuting with his first CAJ collaboration.  
He went all out and created 7 images!!! 

I still love that we are creating because we want to share our passions,
not because we want to win.
There are no special awards or prizes for participating in this Collaborative Art Journey, and we are not in competition with each other.  The relationships that are forming through our artistic endeavors are incredible.  We're solidifying profound connections, gaining so much wisdom, and enhancing our skills together.

I'm truly grateful for you all--
thanks for making this Journey such a rewarding one!


Collaboration Finale No. 23

~**~**~    " REFLECTIONS OF A BLESSING "    ~**~**~

This is a photograph I took of a reflection in a blue, iridescent glass ball.  That's me on the left -- maybe you can make out my head, arm and camera.  I did a whole series in this ball, and one day perhaps will share the others.

This original image was then transformed by 15  artists here on Steemit.
With this one image alone, we produced  23 Collaborative Masterpieces. 

I sometimes have a hard time deciding how to count them -- as many artists will make more than one version but submit only one, and many have made poems as well as an image, which I've decided to count as one entry, though the effort could really be counted as two.  There is such great talent here!   I feel so blessed and wish not to get lost in the count!!

Enjoy our gallery to the tunes of  a double long version of
"Reflections of a Blessing Beat" by @verbal-d!!!!

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

Collaboration with @motivator:

Collaboration with @artguy:

"The Time is Yesterday" with @yusaymon:

Collaboration with @veronicavaldeon:

"Portal of Blessings" with @juliakponsford:

Collaboration with @soyjoseluis:

"Colorful Blessings" with @opheliafu:

Soft grasses make my pillow
I close my eyes
The sun's light dances across my eyelids
A spectrum of colour
Flashes of light

"Pineapple Farmer Dude Kaleidoscope" with @pyrowngs:

Collaboration with @manuel78:

and another by @manuel78:

Also by @manuel78:

This one too by @manuel78:

Another by @manuel78:

Yep--@manuel78 created this one too:

And this magnificent one too!

Collaboration with @yadamaniart:

Collaboration with @paniopan:

A duet "Women's Energetic...Can Be Different" with @aksinya:

"Transformation" with @revostrike:

and "Extra" also with @revostrike:

Collaboration with @robyneggs:




I'm really excited about finding a way to share our creations at Steemfest2 in Lisbon. I am requesting that you share with me any brilliant ideas you have to help make that happen.

  • I'm considering making a slideshow as our images are already in digital format, and we could more easily highlight the hundreds of images we have in our repertoire.  Printing them would be a bit less desirable as printing does not always do them justice and may cost a pretty penny--as we have (and will have) created a LOT of images by November, but I am still open to options to make it easy or in flow.  If you have or know someone who has options for good, economical printing, I'd love to talk with you.  
  • We're considering making a powerful artistic impact at Steemfest and could use some helping hands.  Are you or any artist you know going to Steemfest2 and want to be a part of making our presence known?
  • Do you (or anyone you know) live in/near Lisbon?  We will be greatly benefitted by having a local presence there to help with any logistics that may arise. 
  • I'm sure there are some of you out there who have some expertise or knowledge about these things.  I feel it is the prime time to show the bad-assery of this community we are building.  The sooner we begin, the better.   Please give me your input in a comment below or message me on SteemitChat!


    A sample view of our early collaborative works:
    Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?

    Finale Tangled Webs We Weave- 23 artists and 27 masterpieces

    Finale of Life Stands Still
    - 18 artists and 22 masterpieces
    Finale of Power Spirit - 23 artists and 26 masterpieces
    Finale of Life Stands Still - 18 artists and 29 masterpieces
    Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 masterpieces
    Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
    Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
    Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
    Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
    Finale of On the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
    Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
    Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
    Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
    Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
    Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
    Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
    Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
    Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
    Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
    Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
    Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
    Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
    Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece

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