FINALE - " P O W E R S P I R I T " - A Collaborative Art Journey - 74 ArtiSTeemians already contributing to our portfolio of 335 MASTERPIECES

We have completed our 20TH Collaborative Art Journey.

The artists who come out to play here are really
beyond believable in many ways.

Rewards are not offered for being a player on this journey. 
I do not pick a winner or any losers.  
We don't compete....
we collaborate, cooperate, support, teach, learn,
comment, resteem, build a repertoire of masterpieces,
share our passions, share our skills, share encouragement,
give an audience, give of our talents,
and build a powerful close-knit family-feeling community. 

I love that these artists are driven by passion,
not by the all-mighty dollar.  
Any rewards from our posts are added bonus.
Even when we are rewarded barely anything at all,
we continue to create and connect and inspire.

For all of this I am blessed to share this FINALE
and to continue to instigate the expansion of this
Steemit artists' community.



Six new artists have joined our collaborative efforts
and are debuting here with their first CAJ collaboration.

We welcome @artguy,  @luiscpt, @mrssignificant, @flowerpowerart, @anandkphoto, and @woman-onthe-wing.






Collaboration Finale No. 20

~**~**~ " P O W E R   S P I R I T " ~**~**~

I offered up to the Steemit Artist Community an Invitation to collaborate on this photograph:

This image was named "Power Spirit" by our 5 year old QiQi at the @gardenofeden
She said she felt the energy moving through it.
The expansion and amplification of this power is evident in the following collaborations.

I constantly see things from interesting perspectives, so I take photos of the most unexpected things, odd angles, reflections, shadows, details of textures and light dancing in the room.  I happened upon this photo in my archives, and I don't really even recall what it was. Your guess at what this is is as good as mine!

Then, 22 more artists took my image and 

did their own creative thing 

to produce 26 Collaborative Masterpieces.  

NOW BEGINS THE BLESSING: Open this inspired beat to set the tone for the collaboration and enjoy the sound as you become amazed by all this incredible original art we've created together:

"Power Spirit Beat" by @verbal-d:

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

"Spirit of Power" (Original work + Explanation) by @motivator:

I really love how potent your pieces are. They are striking and the colors so vibrant. The arc coming to the foreground feels like a delivery, bringing the power to life and making it accessible. I love how the black in my image looks like a being expanding and reaching out across the space. Awesome job--again--@motivator. Thank you for sharing.

"Power Of Spirit" (Original work) also by @motivator:

It just keeps getting better and better---how is that possible!!! The movement in this image is really fabulous, as well as the rainbow of colors you have chosen. This piece is definitely one of my favs!! Sweeeeet contribution @motivator!

"Powerful Impression" (artwork + explanation) by @artguy:

This is truly a power piece @artguy. You captures the sentiment and took it way out to speak! The energy comes through and the colors you chose make it very impactful. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

"Lily Pad Constellations" by @pyrowngs:

Fun fun fun fun fun!!! What a light hearted and magical expression @pyrowngs! -I love the journey of the poem and the whole piece is such a great contribution! Thank you for being an integral part of this artists' community. It's so rewarding to do it together!

Collaboration by @louiscpt:

This is intensely powerful @louiscpt. The contrast with the black is very dramatic and quite the statement. I'm so glad you came to play with us and blessing us with this contribution. Thanks for being here and supporting this growing artists' community.

The Power of Nature "Water Spirit" by @reddust:

Oh yes. I very much like this @reddust. No surprise coming from you! I especially like the rainbows and sparky creatures revealing themselves. A truly fun and intriguing piece. So glad you have returned and with a statement!!!

"Frozen Memories" by @opheliafu:

I love it when you put words to your images @opheliafu. The combination of all three pieces is really quite delicious. You have quite the knack for transformation...a great eye and heart put into every piece. I am grateful for your contribution--as always!!!

"The Magic of Life Power" dedicated to QiQi by @soyjoseluis:

Ahhhhhhhhh! YES!!!! What a beautiful tribute to QiQi. She is definitely life power! I loved scrolling down and finding those little flitting flying creatures. This is truly adorable and astounding all at the same time. We are so blessed to have your contributions in this collaboration @soyjoseluis. You never cease to bring on the goodness. Thank you for being you.

"Flying Colors" by @silviabeneforti:

The simplicity and light heartedness of this piece feels so good. I love how the simpleness creates such a flow of ease. Thank you for another great masterpiece for our repertoire @silviabeneforti.

Power Spirit Collaboration by @yoganarchista:

The spirit, it flows,
through the body,
awakening every cell within.
The soul, it grows,
floating bloody,
kisses the vibrant skin.
The power, it knows,
refusing all muddy
ideas of guilt and sin.

WOW!!!! This is sooooo very potent! Truly a power spirit wrapped up in all that hot pink-ness!!! So dreamy and striking all at the same time. Way to go @yoganarchista!

Power Spirit Collaboration by @mrsignificant:

What an intriguing piece @mrssignificant!! The colors, movement and composition are fabulous. And the name is very fitting. Your screen name is also very clever. So glad you joined in our game. You've got a week--perhaps more will flow through you?

and another Power Spirit Collaboration by @mrssignificant:

This is a very intriguing piece @mrssignificant! The colors and the fading figure are really on point! It feels like there are layers and layers to this image--it's surprising that there are only 2. Great job and thank you for this blessing!

and another by @mrssignificant:

You have quite an eclectic approach to art. This is a very dramatic piece, so different than the first soft and soothing one. This too is really great--it provokes a sense of flight and freedom for me. Terrific job @mrsisgnificant---again!

YES.....another by @mrssignificant:

This is a happy feeling piece @mrssignificant.
it feels like a walk in the rain on a sunny day with rainbows and the feel of butterflies.
Thanks for this inspired piece, we are blessed to add it to our repertoire.
Welcome to this artists' community. It seems you've come to the right place!

Power Spirit Collaboration by @revostrike:

Now this IS a surprise!! I would love to see your process in this creation @revostrike. The white background and black frame really set this piece off. At first it reminded me of a fingerprint, and then a wave of many toned well-combed hair. I like this very much! Thanks for the gift!

Power Spirit Collaboration by @flowerpowerart:

Great use of my image @flowerpowerart. This feels very wholesome and refreshing, alive and empowering. I love what you've done here. It feels as if there is wisdom shared here under the sun and leaves. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

Power Spirit Collaboration by @paniopan:

!!!!!! Whhhhaaaat! Shazaam! !!!!!*! Now that is an attention getter! It's staring right at me and I'm not sure how I feel about that! Seriously, this is an incredible piece of art @paniopan.. You are really jumping right in here and upgrading the playing field. So intense is this in every aspect. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for your presence here.

"TechnoStumpy" by @lightsplasher:

The power of these pieces combined is quite tangible! Indeed "we are all travelers in the grand experiment of life". It's so awesome that you used a stump for this collaboration--and a grand one at that. Trees have a power of their own and are some of my favorite things on the planet. Thank you for coming out to play and for bringing such a potent piece to this collaboration.

Green as a Tree Poem by @sumsum:

My powerspirit ever-growing
evolving resourcefulness, all-knowing
as part of me it´s a reminder
how I am always seeker AND finder
both at once
there is no risk, no chance
only growth, love and light
no matter the fight
the outcome is always good for me
says my powerspirit, green as the tree

I feel so blessed to be tuning into the beauty offered up through this collaborative journey. This poem simple, yet a potent reminder of the power within. A great contribution this is @sumsum. Thank you for bringing it forth.

"Full of Power Spirit" by @yadamaniart:

A super active image. I love that what was once round and flowing is now energetic and angular! This is like faeries sparking all over the place--so much movement. Great color and texture additions too @yadamaniart. Yet another gift has been received from you. You're a blessing!

"The Final Spirit of Power" by @anandkphoto:

Dang! I'm so glad you have joined us @anandkphoto. This is truly an ASTOUNDING piece of work. It is the perfect combination and I love everything about it. There is some serious power flowing here. So blessed to have your contribution. I'm also grateful to now be following you.

"Luminous Savoy" (yes it's a cabbage!!!!) by @woman-onthe-wing:

This was a really cool idea @woman-onthe-wing! Only you would think about using cabbage! I LOVE IT! Some of the images remind me of bodies of water or rivers with landmasses or mountains poking through--perhaps as seen from an airplane. Others look like little creatures coming up from the depths of the water kingdom. This was definitely an unusual approach and I think it's brilliant. Thanks for your contribution--we're so grateful to have you here.

"Spirit of the Rabbit" by @wordsword:

This is a very cool contribution @wordsword.
You have a very intriguing perspective and I love what comes through you. I"m really stoked about this piece, it's cool how you found so many surprising things inside my image. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us.

"Death Kiss" by @aksinya:

Oh girl----you've done it again!!! You have a great eye for finding opportunity in creation. I ALWAYS love your pieces and this is no exception. I love how you used my image with such perfection. Thanks for the amazingness that you share @aksinya. Thank you for the acknowledgement of my image. So glad to be offering something of inspiration. Blessings to you.

Power Spirit Collaboration by @paolobeneforti:

Now THIS is a masterpiece @paolobeneforti! Truly a powerful transformation. I love what you see in this image and the color changes/shadows etc. you added to make this such an astounding piece. Dang! I'm impressed. Thank you for the gift!

I am blessed to be living in conscious community at the @gardenofeden.  I am aware of the power of  community and of the great benefits and rewards of coming together for common purpose.  I am driven to share my passion for community and am truly grateful to be expanding this Steemit community with valuable content and connection. 






There have been many collaborative efforts igniting here on Steemit and some just awesome gifts of art too.  I know I am missing some of the awesomeness.  Please post more art opportunities in the comments or the collaborative arts chatroom if you know of any.

ARTstyleART Contest with @aksinya
ArtQuest-Trail No. 11 also with @aksinya

Here is a sample view of our early collaborative works:
Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?

Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 pieces of art
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of One the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece

A shout out to all artists on Steemit - perhaps you'll be inspired to join our next collaboration coming soon.  @aksinya has compiled the following  list of Steemian artist.  If you know of others please give her a head's up to expand the database:
@aishwarya, @aksinya, @anandkphoto, @andrew0, @andrianna, @allstarrunner, @aniestudio, @artguy, @art21, @billyjohnsonart, @camilla, @catsmart, @chessmonster, @comealong, @danilamarilu, @drawingsbymilena, @dreemit, @dottie, @edgarsart, @elementm, @elewarne, @elgeko, @em3di, @englishchivry, @errymil, @everlove, @fayehalliday,@flowerpowerart, @fumansiu, @funkit, @giraffeonskates, @girlbeforemirror, @granturismo89, @gric, @harshalachopra, @havok777, @henry-gant, @hhelenbby, @hilarski, @hopehugs, @inber, @indiandigitizer, @jameshsmitharts, @jankasparec, @jessamynorchard, @juanmiguelsalas, @jyezie, @kalemandra, @karmashine, @katharsisdrill, @ken-and-jane, @krizia, @lapstjup, @lighteye, @lightsplasher, @littlemozart, @lloyddavis, @louiscpt, @luckyfellow, @mada, @madlenfox, @mariandavp, @meesterboom, @merej99, @michaelmcdermott, @mindfreak, @mikkolyytinen, @mprgrmmr, @motivator, @mrssignificant, @mystisoul, @naquoya, @natureofbeing, @nature.sauvage, @nicnas, @nikosgyftakis, @nin0000, @nonameslefttouse, @oceansoul13, @ocrdu, @onlyifisayok, @opheliafu, @paniopan, @paolobeneforti, @pcste, @phoenixmaid, @prakashghai, @prostosun, @pyrowngs, @rachelsvparry, @randolphrope, @reddust, @reneenouveau65, @revostrike, @robyneggs, @rubens9119, @rubenalexander, @sanakumar, @saramiller, @seisges, @sethlinson, @shady, @shortcut, @silviabeneforti, @skapaneas, @sofi-m, @soyjosluis, @spaceginger, @splus, @stargarden, @stephenking989, @straydays, @sumsum, @tasartcraft, @thebatchman, @thedrollyears, @therealpaul, @toonpunk, @trueart, @twirble, @ubik, @unusualconcept, @urielromeo, @verbal-d, @villainblack, @voodoolizard, @voronoi, @winstonwolfe, @woman-onthe-wing, @wordsword, @xochicotta, @xtrodinarypilot, @yadamaniart, @yoganarchista, @yuslindwi.

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