FINALE - " LIFE STANDS STILL" - A Collaborative Art Journey - 76 ArtiSTeemians already contributing to our portfolio of 357+ MASTERPIECES

Greetings!  This is the perfect day to share some truly magnificent art.

Artists here on Steemit have been doing art together since about October 2106 through this Collaborative Art Journey.






Three new artists have joined our collaborative efforts and are debuting here with their first CAJ collaborations.

We welcome @yusaymon, @allforthegood and @veronicavaldeon!! 


We are becoming stronger and more insightful, individually and as a group.  All of our interactions build our community bonds and our creations a gallery of incredible works.  (See below for links that will astound you!)


Collaboration Finale No. 21

~**~**~    " L I F E    S T A N D S    S T I L L  "    ~**~**~

I offered up to the Steemit Artist Community an Invitation to collaborate on this photograph:

Comment by xtrodinarypilot63  ·  9 days ago -- is that Balut?

I had to look up "balut" !!    Google search:  

A balut (spelled standardized as balot) is a developing bird embryo (usually a duck or chicken) that is boiled and eaten from the shell. It originates and is commonly sold as street-food in the Philippines.

BINGO!!!!  Except that this is a RAW developing of the surprises occasionally encountered from fresh chicken eggs straight from the farm.

Then, 17 more artists took my image and 

did their own creative thing 

to produce 22 Collaborative Masterpieces
(plus more versions if you click on the  links provided).  



"Life Stands Still Beat" by @verbal-d:

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

Collaboration by @mrssignificant:

and another one by @mrssignificant:

"The Little Chick's Dream in the Egg" by @kalemandra:

I'm so little!
I'm still at motionless rest,
half unconscious,
but Life is pulsating in me!
I still don't know , what will I be.
...maybe a pigeon, I'd love to fly like a shot arrow...
...maybe an eagle, it's so majestic...
...maybe a peacock, with beautiful feathers...
...a sparrow, always chirping...
...a duck, floating on water... ostrich, running in the savannah...
...or a chicken in your yard laying eggs for you...

"The Big Cosmic Eye" Also by @kalemandra: (see her post for 3 more creations!!!)

The making of "Rain Fairy" (see here for the details in the Rain Fairy Dew Drop) and "The Rain Fairy and the Army of Ants" by @opheliafu:   (the beautiful story and all the little painted images that make it come alive!!!)

"Foxy" by @paniopan:

"A Secret World Through a Yolk Portal" by @woman-onthe-wing:

Collaboration by @motivator:

4 collaborations by @havok777:  (See this post for 7 versions more!!!)

Collaboration by @veronicavaldeon:

"The Loop" by @yusaymon:

"The Light Shines in the Darkness" by @allforthegood:

Collaboration by @revostrike:

"Selbstgespräch der Zeit" by @yoganarchista:

Collaboration by @artguy:

"Space Sunflower" by @aksinya:

and "I Wish I Could Fly" also by @aksinya:

Art and Poetry by @sumsum:

You are my world my peaceful place
My magical moments in time and space
Because of you my life full of laughter
All started fresh and new right after
We met summers ago
And we are still in this wonderful flow
Of love, friendship and happiness
And have to confess
It feels like a dream, so sweet and light
For each other we are just rightThis is a poem for my sweetheart. We have been happily in love for over two years which feel like two weeks. Thank you @everlove for the inspiration. Your picture reminded me of a globe like just needed to alter it with an app.To everyone who reads this. I will write a lovepoem for you if you give me some info. I whish for everyone to be as happy as me.

"A Peaceful World" by @pyrowngs:

You are all so much fun to play with.  This is the gift that keeps on giving.  

I hope to share our collaborative works at Steemfest Lisbon!!  We have a few more months of creation--I'm excited to see how our powerful repertoire expands.  So very grateful and humbled you are all a part of it!!

Blessed day, dear ones!!

Another collaboration to begin soon.



Pixel Art Weekly with @jonny-clearwater.

My most
recent post about @opheliafu and a small taste of her contributions to this artists' community through the Collaborative Art Journey.

and our  

Finale of Power Spirit - 23 artists and 26 masterpieces
Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 masterpieces
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of On the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece

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