Drawing Challenge #9 : Paint by Light 光之畫

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Hello! This is my entry of @helene's Drawing Challenge #9. The theme is light and I draw by light .

日安,這幅是這期 @helene 的繪畫挑戰的參賽作品。這期主題是「光」,好吧,就用「光」來畫!

Drawing Challange Link. Again, thank you Helene and @marty-arts for organizing! 再次謝謝HELENE主辦和MARTY-ARTS評審!


Process 過程

Preparation 準備

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Camera: Canon EOS M / 18-55mm lens. I used manual mode, ISO 100, Aperture 25, 15"~30". Then, a mini flashlight. I narrowed the point by paper and tape. It was to bright. (But later a make the hole larger as it is too dim... lol) Shooting in bedroom xD

相機是Canon EOS M 鏡頭 18-55mm。手動模式,ISO 100, 光圈25, 15至30秒。之後是小電筒。在房間拍攝,後來覺得太亮不好控制,所以用卡紙和紙膠帶收小了光源。(但又嫌小又把洞開大了一點lol)

Drawing 下筆

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I tried to draw all by once but too difficult to do in maximum setting 30"... Therefore, I separated it in to 3 layers. The Jupiter, stars surrounding and the smoke like background decoration.

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Finall stage, sign and input it into PS and combine all layers together by add mode.



Epilogue 後記

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The above are some testing and fail works. At the beginning I thought it should not be too difficult as all are simple line, but I was wrong. It is difficult to be accurate. Well, enjoy the fun of light drawing~ The reason I choose to draw planet and star is that the stars we see in the sky now is the star in the past, may be over hundreds or thousands years ago or more. The light traveled for a long long time through the space and arrive the Earth and finally our eyes. The concept of "this moment" is different in this moment. What we see now is already the past. Miraculous.

上面是一次測試和失敗的照片。完全低估了光之畫的難度,還以為線條簡單應該不會很難。原來很難控制!不過也挺好玩的~ 為甚麼想畫星球呢?因為以前聽過,現在看到天上的星星,其中一些已經是上千百萬年前發出的光芒來了,而看到的也是很久很久以前的那顆星。「這一刻」的定意在這一刻有點不同。現在正在看著過去,感覺很神奇。

Hope you like this light drawing and have a wonderful weekend!


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