Dream Diary - 1/10/17

Monday morning, here it is again! I swear the weekends only have 20hrs a day compared to the rest of the week. So I did eat before bedtime, not cheese but, Reese’s mini peanut chocolate cups. They were yummy! Here is my dream from last night.

Sunday 1st October 2017

I dreamed I was on holiday with my mum. It felt like we were in Las Vegas. I know for sure it wasn’t Vegas as I had visited recently, I just don’t know what state we were in, or if we were even in America. We were looking for places to stay during our trip. I remember seeing lots of stairs and escalators outside which is probably what made me think we were in Vegas. We found a hotel, it was huge. I remember it had a lot of building work going on in the left hand side of the building and it was right next door to a large, fast moving freeway. We went inside to speak to someone about booking a room. It had to be a suite, not just any room, and if we couldn’t get a suite then we would only settle for a penthouse. It also had to have it's own outside pool. My mum was at the counter speaking to the lady about what was available. I followed up behind. I had something heavy in my hand. I don’t think it was a suitcase, it was more like a heavy crate that you would use to carry bottles of beer in. As I walked up behind my mum, the lady at the counter asked ”Can I help you ma’am?” I replied ”No thank you, it’s ok, I’m with the lady in front”. The lady went back to my mum and carried on talking. That’s where this dream ended.

Afterwards I had dreamt I was in a shop called Sephora. I was looking to buy face cream as I had seen an advert that was offering a free perfume bottle with any purchase of face cream. I was with my husband and I was umming and ahhing over what to buy. I found the cream, put a bit on a piece of cotton wool and put it under my husbands nose. ”Smell this!” He didn’t really like the smell. I did. It smelled of almonds and honey. I didn’t buy face cream in the end. I had gone for a hand cream instead as it came with a free lipstick. I was at the check out counter waiting to pay for my goods. My husband had swapped my lippy for another one or so he thought. He said he didn’t like the red I had picked out, so he had swapped it for a peach one instead. Little does he know, he didn’t swap it for another lipstick, he had in fact picked up concealer! I can’t really blame him though. It must be hard for a man in the make-up aisle! When I finally was served, the lady asked me for my personal details. Name, address e.t.c. That was fine, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember my phone number. All I could remember was my husbands one. My husband was having a chin wag with another member off staff and I tried to hard to beckon him over as I swear he had my phone in his hand. I wanted to retrieve my telephone number. He was sooooo engrossed with her. God only knows what they were talking about! Eventually when I did get his attention, I realised I had my phone on me all along. The lady who was dealing with me had FaceTimed me from her phone. I answered and gave her the thumbs up! She has my number now. All was paid and we left.

I feel like I am due a crazy, out there dream! I haven’t had one of those in a while. Watch this space! In the meantime, please feel free to read my other dreams.

Dream Diary
Recurring Dreams

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