Why Are More YouTubers Are Moving To Steemit? | Is DTube The Next Big Video Platform?

It's almost every other day that I notice in the Introduction section posts of seasoned video creators from YouTube moving to Steemit. Although this has been happening for a long time the numbers are increasing and I am sure that Google who owns YouTube has taken due notice.

So why is there an exodus from YouTube? After all it is the site with the most traffic after Google.

Let me take the example of @patricklancaster who has this message on his YouTube channel.

Because of cooperate greed & censorship of the Ukraine War & by Facebook and Youtube I will now be moving my Ukraine war report from Donetsk DPR to the new social media and video hosting cryptocurrency websites Steemit and Dtube. Please join me and help me spread the word to the world what is happening in the Ukraine War.


It has become very easy for governments all over the world to ask YouTube to censor or shut down accounts that publish uncensored news. People have a right to see and hear the truth. But governments and YouTube do not think so. Moreover, I don't think YouTube is in any position to refuse any government request. Their revenue depends on advertising and if countries start banning YouTube they will take a major hit in revenue.

But there are other reasons - there are several channels that display messages about moving to Steemit, but each broadcaster may have different reasons.

New Unfair Rules

Since the inception of YouTube advertising their model for paying video publishers has changed drastically. According to their new rules anyone who would like to monetize his channel must have four thousand hours of viewing and at least one thousand subscribers in the past year. This automatically rules out small time video producers from monetizing their videos.

Besides, individuals wanting to monetize their small hobby channels or those who make one off how to videos will not be able to do so anymore. Some of the most useful how to videos that I have watched on YouTube had millions of views, increasing by the day.


YouTube is also cracking down on videos that they deem are unsuitable for their audience. They seem to have conveniently forgotten that the audience was created by publishers on their platform. The irony is that YouTube considers quite a few videos on mental health and disabilities unsuitable but rewards offensive content. No wonder many feel that YouTube rules are unfair and biased.

Irrelevant Ads

Publishers have constantly complained that ads on their videos are not relevant. Getting to see ads that are not connected to the topic of a video is a turn off for viewers.

DTube Is Better

On the other hand Steemit and DTube contain content that can never be erased from the platform. Once it is put on the blockchain it has the creator's imprint on it which can never be taken away by anyone.

There are no complex algorithms on Steemit unlike other sites. Content gets upvoted and becomes popular on the basis of upvotes. More followers convert to a larger number of upvotes. It is easy to understand how to make content popular on Steemit.

The Money!

I think the biggest incentive for publishing video content on DTube and Steemit is the scope of monetization. Not only is it clear to figure out how monetization works here but the rewards are much more compared to mere cents that is offered by YouTube. There are stories of content creators on YouTube with hundreds of videos making a hundred dollars or a little more. The best part is that the money does not come from any individual or company but from a reward pool.

In 2018 most people will realize that it is better to earn in Steem that in fiat currency. As of today a single SBD is worth more than six dollars!


This might seem like a trivial reason but anyone with videos on YouTube knows the hassle of facing trolls. Steemit has a down voting system which discourages trolls - never mind the endless comments beseeching readers to follow them which is minor compared to abusive trolls on YouTube.


There is a downside for YouTubers though. It is not as easy as YouTube to get views on DTube or STeemit. There is a lot of effort needed and it is necessary to build a following. Good video content is the key to success on DTube. On YouTube any video can get organic traffic provided the right keywords appear in the description.

Moreover, someone with a huge following on YouTube may presume that he or she will automatically start making a lot of money on Steemit. Not necessarily so - there is a different audience on Steemit and all followers of a channel may not sign up on Steemit immediately.

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy

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