Surprise Coming to You

Its when I turn off the lights
that's when the thoughts come
slip into the light
lying cuz they never were bright

Its when I turn off the lights
I never know where I am
where you are
Stealing from the truth

I turn off the lights
like a surprise coming to you
never moving thru you
I was never meant for you

Its when I turn off the lights that the demons appear to appease my stifled desires

Its when I turn off the lights
that you show your true self
in pain and pleasure

Its when I turn off the lights
you aren't there
you're never there
no matter my fiction

I turn off the lights
reality slaps me
brings me back to the real me
you were never really, really

Its when you turn off the lights
you find the surprise
coming to you

I don't wanna turn off the lights
don't wanna know what's true
and what's lies

5 Minute #Freewrite @mariannewest ♡ Love you doll, you are Awesomesauce :) Join HERE

Image via Pexels

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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