Sometimes We Need to Reboot, but Someone is Always There to Help You

I awoke after an unusual 13 hours of sleep with the beginnings of a cold. I had felt perfect last night when I fell asleep at midnight after relaxing post Christmas festivities. But it appears the mad stress of all that is happening in my reality left my immune system compromised and open for intruders. And man, did they intrude at the most inopportune time!

I am moving in just a few days. It is a big and complicated move. Life will be easier after, but for now it is overwhelming, especially as the authorities have not found my truck yet so I'm doing it all without a vehicle! Or help, it's just me and my boys.

My boys had gift cards to GameStop to redeem, so I took a few hours today to get that done, knowing a new game would keep them out of my hair during this upcoming week of packing and moving.

I hired an UBER to run us home, there was no way I was going to wait out on the sidewalk in the 30 degree wind with a fever.

Our UBER driver picked us up within a minute of stepping outside. He was very friendly so we got to talking about the move and he gave me some killer advice for my terribly limited single mother budget, such as not to hire a moving company as you get what you pay for.

He also agreed that my move is smart, despite the insane hardships of the moment. He said that sometimes we need to reboot our lives in order to level up. You cannot expect to have better performance on an outdated and stagnant device.

He took my info and is going out of his way to speak to the driving community tonight. Asking around for a driver with a truck and utility trailer to help us get there, off the books of course for the greatest profit for the driver and greatest savings for me.

Moving is overwhelmingly stressful, especially a complicated one like mine. This little act of kindness from a random encounter could erase so much stress from our situation.

When I got home I told my Sister from another Mister @jewels3 and she replied, "How do things like this always happen to you? You seem to attract all the right people when you need help!" This isn't the first time she has voiced this observation.

I thought about this for a while. She is pretty accurate. When I step outside of my emotional involvement to my life and circumstances, it appears that, yes, there is always someone who comes along and provides assistance.

When you are too close to the project you are not only experiencing the stress and emotions, but you are forced to look at the whole picture.

I believe we all have this within us. We are still alive, aren't we ;) I believe if we open up to the true abundance that fills this universe, when we allow the energy to flow, we open ourselves to receiving just the right person or thing that we need at just the right time.

If we are stubborn and fighting against it, then of course it will be and seem tougher if not almost impossible. It's all about perspective. "If you build it, they will come."

If you allow it, perfect occurrences will come.

My driver is so right. Sometimes we need to reboot in order to level up and grow.

And if you do, if you allow yourself to be open, there is going to be a random person or happenstance that appears seemingly out of nowhere. Because you made room for it and set the welcome mat out.

Do you have a story of a random occurrence coming just when you needed it the most? Share in the comments <3

Images via Pixabay

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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