🎆My Hopes and Dreams for Your New Year. 🥂 We Will Rock it Steemit! ✨

Remember when you first registered for Steemit? The thrill and passion as you braved this new world? You were overflowing with optimism and ambition and dove right in.

As we say farewell to the circus that was 2017 and step tentatively and hopefully into 2018, we should embrace the excitement that comes with something shiny and new.

Capture those Steemit Newbie feelings and utilize them to progress into the New Year. Open your mind and heart with childlike exuberance to the possibilities before you!

2018 can be anything we make it!

Do you realize the power of this? 2018 can be anything you make it. Decide how you wish to accept and react to the events that will unfold. You can be resistant and negative or you can flow with everything that comes your way and turn even the sourest lemons into lemonade and in turn grow and make your surroundings golden.

2018 is yours to embrace however you choose. Lets make it the best year ever!

In 2018 I want to read about all your successes and growth! I want to hear how you changed your life despite odds, and overcame obstacles, and held yourself as the best you that you can remember you ever being.

And on December 31, 2018 I want you to come back and tell me you personally made the past year the greatest year of your life :)

As we grow within ourselves, we will expand our beloved Steemit. We will bring the power of the platform to even more, and watch Steem change even more lives. Share and share alike! 2018 is going to be massive growth for the platform! And we are all here to witness and take part! These are phenomenal times, my friends.

May your 2018 be filled with great inner happiness, zen like peace, optimal health, prosperity, good fortune and financial freedom. I wish for you to feel a deep sense of belonging and have meaningful relationships with those important to you. And I hope your year is filled with joy, fun and meaning. You deserve it ♡

Happy New Year Steemit!

and may the cryptos be ever in your favor :)

Images via Pexels

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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