There's an OM in Every Meow

The Healing Power of a Cat Purr.

Cats have superpowers. Not only have they taken over the interwebz, cats are healthy for humans!

  • Cats are widely studied but science still does not know how a cat purrs. The commonly accepted theory used to be that purrs resulted from the sound of blood rushing through the inferior vena cava, the large vein that carries blood to the heart from the lower body. Recently, research suggests the sound is produced by the laryngeal muscles from moving the cats’ vocal cords. But these are still guesses.

  • Genetic paleontologists recently discovered that the X and Y chromosomes of cats and humans are remarkably similar despite the fact that the two species haven't shared a common ancestor for 90 million years.

  • Cats and humans emotional cortex of the brain is nearly identical.

But probably most amazing of all is how healthy cats are for humans- they purr at a frequency of 20-140 Hz which is medically therapeutic to humans.

  • Petting a purring cat releases stress and lowers anxiety.

  • Petting a cat lowers blood pressure.

  • The frequency of the cat purr promotes bone growth and regeneration..

  • Dyspnea and respiratory problems are reduced in both humans and cats during purring.

  • Cat owners have 40% less risk of heart attacks.

  • Purrs ease infection and swelling in joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and repairs soft tissue.

  • Cats are used in sports hospitals and gyms (primarily in Russia where most of this research is conducted) for healing and getting athletes back in the game faster.

  • An old veterinary adage is "Put a cat in a room with broken bones and they will heal faster."

  • Purring in the range of 20-50 Hz reduces pain and headaches.

It takes energy to purr, and cats not only do it when content, but also when hurt, frightened or giving birth. Nature does not keep traits not related to survival advantage, so the fact that a cat purrs when ill or stressed suggests there is a good reason why it expends extra energy to purr. Purring contributes to healing and survival, and probably what accounts for the "cats have 9 lives" saying.

Healing by association.

Patients find their migraines heal when they lie their head beside a purring cat. The space program is researching how the cat purr can help recover lost bone density in astronauts. Many senior homes have adopted cats to live on site to help lower the residents blood pressure and help them live longer and healthier lives.


So next time you are feeling ill or blue, cuddle with your favorite feline! The healing powers are therapeutic and soothing.

Save money on doctors and medicines and adopt a cat today :)

Images via Pixabay

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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