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Before Skury became the chairman of the motor park, he had become a political thug. Many politicians used him to threaten their opponents. He became very popular especially among the politicians.

As a result of that, he gained power and continue to live large. Later, he began to recruit young boys to his gang. He became a bad influence in those children. He encouraged many to drop schooling for thugery. "education is nothing. What I am today, education could not have made it possible. So, forget about it, I have great connections, just move closer to me. I promise to always feed you and also cater for all your needs. All I need from you is simple obedience," he often lied.

As a result, his house became a meeting point for the bad boys. He fed them and sent them on errands. He used them to terrorize his opponents.

On assumption of office as the chairman of the motor park, he became more powerful with greater influence on the childen. Not minding that many of them were minors.

Unfortunately, they thought that was the right way to live, so many innocent ones followed him. Along the line he introduced them into several bad habits and they gradually grew wild.

Those children began to live a hopeless life. They respected him and referred to him as a garrison commander. Some of those boys eventually graduated into armed robbers, pickpockets and engaged in several crimes with impunity because they had several political godfathers who could bail them out from police net. Sadly, the police also accorded Skury his due respect because of his political connections. His boys continued to terrorize everybody in Surulere and it's environs.

Due to the fact that these wrong doings became the order of the day, many young ones accepted them to be part of the norm. Therefore, they began to dream to be like Skury.

Having seen great prospects in Johnson and Benson, Skury's boys made several attempts to persuade the duo to join their fold.

Unfortunately, Benson did not waste time before yielding to their pressure but Johnson was unyielding. He was conscious of the promise he made to his father.

Besides, they had not been able to convince him that was the best way to live. In fact, he was at a crossroad.

Meanwhile, Benson who was a lazy and unreasonable boy had simply begun to copy other bad habits from his new friends. He was introduced into pick pocketing and other bad habits.

Soon, he began to make so much money from those bad ways as well as from the token Skury always shared with them, he dumped his hawking job and became a full blown tout.

His parents got hint his misbehaviour and punished him severally but he was not moved. At a point, he felt that they were disturbing him, so he packed his things and left his parents. Johnson was surprised at Benson's strange behavior.

One day, he met him at the motor park and they discussed.
"how are you Benson?"
" well, I'm fine"
He then asked him why he decided to go that way.
"well, you should understand that I'm now a big boy. After all, I now have money to take good care of myself without depending on anybody. Besides, nobody will control me again and Skury our boss is a nice man. I hope one day, I will be like him to become the chairman of the park. Then, I will also have governors and even the president as a friend."

Johnson was surprised at his reasoning. He became confused and wondered if that was the best lifestyle. Benson read that on his face and further encouraged him to also join them.

Johnson could truly see that Benson was living a new life. However, he was not convinced that he was right with his decisions. Throughout that night, he was deep in thought.


Here are the links to the previous episodes 👇

Episode 7

Episode 6

Episode 5

Episode 4

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

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