EATING THE RAINBOW - Delicious Red Cabbage Salad with Almond Dressing (Raw+Vegan)

An appetite for a fresh salad, a fridge full of colorful veggies and the perfect idea for my dinner recipe - This rarely happens in such an ideal combination. We were recently doing house sitting in Kuala Lumpur and our host was so kind to buy some organic veggies beforehand, so that we wouldn’t have to go grocery shopping right on our first day at her home. So this is how this vibrant salad mixture was born.  

(If you want to know more about house sitting and why it is such an awesome travel hack, check out my recent post on how I save a lot of money on accommodation while spending a great time with lovely animals.)

Powerful and crunchy - The health benefits of walnuts

I know, for a real rainbow salad you would also need some yellow ingredients. Well, I think the golden walnuts also count and since they are loaded with powerful nutrients, they make a great substitute for any yellow bell pepper or zucchini. Did you know that they are one of the most antioxidant rich foods on earth and are popular for helping to prevent many health conditions such as strokes, diabetes as well as different types of cancer?  

As they are often called „brain food“ they also support cognitive health. On top, consuming walnuts can calm your nervous system and therefore make you feel more at peace. And if you often leave a salad dinner with a unfulfilled feeling, walnuts can actually satiate your appetite and therefore support you in long term weight loss goals. 

Veggies, nuts and algae - Ingredients for your rainbow salad

The nut butter for the dressing should ideally only contain plain nuts, without any salt or roasting treatments. It is always a good idea to take a look at the labels, you might be surprised what makes its way into our daily products. For the herbs I used an Italian combination including dried basil, oregano and thyme which in my opinion goes well with any salad creation. And if you should be surprised about the broccoli stalk in my ingredient list - Yes, you can actually eat the stalk as well and it is super soft and tasty once you've cut away the harder parts of the skin. 

To make your own rainbow salad simply chop up the following ingredients. 

  • 1 cup red cabbage 
  • 2 tomatoes  
  • 1 brokkoli stalk
  • 2 small carrots 
  • 3 hands full of spinach 
  • 2 hands full of cos lettuce 
  • 2 walnuts  
  • 1 small red onion 
  • 1 garlic clove 
  • 1 tbsp dried wakame algae (alternatively 1 nori sheet)

To prepare the almond dressing you will just need… 

  • 1 tbsp almond butter (or similar nuts)
  • Juice of 1 lemon 
  • Herbs of your choice

For the dressing, I just put the nut butter, lemon juice and herbs onto the veggies and mixed it well until all ingredients got some of the nutty flavors on them. The simplest way would be to add the spinach and lettuce at the end, after you stirred the nut cream into the mixture, since this makes it much easier to mix the salad well. 

For me, such salads are the easiest way to bring so much nutrients into just one meal. A great taste is the key to making veggie salads to a daily habit and thus profiting from their health benefits in the long run. Ready to bring some color onto your plate?


Have a wonderful day and a fruitful journey ahead! 

Yours, Anais 

Nomadic adventuress since 2018 | Raw foodie | Health enthusiast | Minimalist | Freedom seeker | Passionate believer in a life full of bliss.

🍓Hungry for more healthy nuggets? Check out my other raw vegan posts:

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Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian, doctor or trained detox expert. My goal is to share my knowledge from conclusive research and personal experiences to inspire you on your own raw adventure. I do not give medical advice and am not liable for any negative consequences you might face by following any information from this post - even if it is too much energy from a newly gained vibrant health and no idea how to deal with it. Always do your individual research when it comes to your precious health, it is absolutely worth the extra effort!


This post is taking part in Steemit 'Fruits and Veggies Monday Competition' from @lenasveganliving .

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