Hiking Under the Stars - Volcano Sunrise Trek in Bali

Early birds catch the perfect car nap

We woke up at 2am in the night to go on a happy hiking adventure - but in the first few minutes, I just felt like cuddling up in my warm bed sheets again. Fortunately, the nights in Bali are very mild so that a warm, gentle wind greeted us outside of our accommodation. We decided to book a tour for the trek in advance, because after some research online it seemed like you are not allowed to hike the mountain just by yourself. Therefore a little van awaited us outside to bring us to the feet of the most active volcano in Bali, with its last eruption taking place in 2000. The excitement for this adventure soon gave in to our tired eyes and we napped most of the ride.  

The hiking crowds, and those with flip-flops 

Arriving at the starting point for the hike, we soon found out how popular this trek really is - hundreds of other travelers where mingling around. Some of them well equipped with trekking shoes and a solid windbreaker like ourselves, others only clothed with a tiny tanktop and flip-flops. They would definitely feel the temperature differences more intensely up there at 1.717 meters, as well as the sharp volcanic stones below their feet. Everyone received the basic equipment by the guide - a flashlight and some encouraging words about the steep hike ahead of us.  

Mount Batur in daylight, as it thrones magnificently over the Balinese farmland  

Adventure into the darkness - Beware of the vegetables 

It was only 4am and therefore still very dark, so our basic flashlights shone only a dim light on the small vegetable plantations that pathed our way, predominately spring onions and tomatoes. The first 30 minutes were an easy walk with only a slight ascend and as we got farer away from the busy parking spot, the surroundings went darker with every step. Soon, it became hard to concentrate on the ground in front of us, since the night sky was filled with shining bright stars. But as the hike became steeper and steeper, we needed to keep a clear focus on the stony trail ahead. After one hour the path changed and it was now feeling more like climbing a mountain than a walk in the park. Nevertheless, we felt fit and had no problems sticking to the guide. Another couple in our group, travelers from Singapore, was not so fortunate and the distance to us grew bigger with every turn we took.  

Praying for a safe passage - Spiritual cave ceremonies 

Our small group came to an halt at a little Hindu praying site, where some statues on an altar invited them to stop for prayer and offerings. Later on we were told that the volcano is also used for religious ceremonies, especially a deep cave that we passed on our descend. It reaches over hundred meters into the mountain and at some points you can only crawl forward to make your way deeper into the dark. The cave is not secure, since some stones tend to break from the ceiling and fall onto the pathway. Through meditation, prayers and offerings the Hindus get blessings from their gods for a safe journey into the volcano and it is said that good intentions for entering the cave guard those bold enough to do it.

During the descend, the sunlight finally shedded some light on the beautiful scenery 

Colony of ants, heavily armed with dots of light 

The path was crowded now and we had to stick to the pace of the flashlight mass, that made its way slowly up the volcano. Although it was still very dark, you could clearly see the peak of the mountain - the flashlights of those in front of us pathed the way till they accumulated on the top. Looked much like a star-filled night sky on its own, a magical play of light. But it also painfully showed everyone how much ascend was till to be managed.  

Welcome to the peak - No heater up in the clouds yet? 

After two hours of hiking we reached the first level of the volcano, a stone platform equipped with a little hut where the guides were already cooking their breakfast for the exhausted travelers. The sky was pretty cloudy, so that we decided to go to the second level since there might be a better view for the upcoming sunrise. After 30 minutes and many more volcano stones to climb over, we finally were on the very top of Mount Batur. We had some time left before the sun was supposed to shine her warm light onto this part of the equator. We already took position in front of the steep cliff to get the best view for the upcoming show. Cuddled up in our jackets to protect ourselves from the freezing winds, we snacked on our bananas with dates and waited patiently.  

It's showtime - 60 seconds in heaven 

Although the clouds lifted now and then on the second level, we still did not have a clear view on the sky, so that we couldn’t really figure out, if the sun still didn’t rise or if we just couldn’t see it though the tick fog. But our efforts were finally rewarded. Only one big cloud traveled further and gave view to a magical play of color. Violet, orange, yellow, pink, blue - nature gave us all it could give and the crowd up there let out a collective `Wow`. The tension and amazement of everyone made the sensation even more powerful. And although we only got about 60 second to gaze at the sky’s beauty in pure joy, every stone we climbed and every muscle we moved was worth the effort.

Breath-taking sunrise panorama from the very top of the volcano

Only 60 seconds of this view made worth all efforts of the four hour hike

Yes, Mount Batur is quite a touristy attraction, but that has a reason - it is just a wonderful, unique experience to see the sunrise up there. I encourage everybody to go on this little adventure when they should ever visit Bali and not to shy away from the crowds there. Remember to check the weather forecast though!


Have a wonderful day and a fruitful journey ahead! 

Yours, Anais 

Nomadic adventuress since 2018 | Raw foodie | Health enthusiast | Minimalist | Freedom seeker | Passionate believer in a life full of bliss.   

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