Green Coconut Smoothie - Tropical Vibes Included (Raw+Vegan)

I stumbled across a coconut at the beach the other day...

This is a sentence I always dreamed of starting a post with, sounds like paradise, right? The feeling of finding food in nature and nourishing yourself with it, truly speaks to our inner roots. I feel especially connected to the earth by that, very different to shopping in the supermarket like many of us normally do.    

Be curious and you'll be rewarded

Back to the story now - I found this beautiful ripe coconut at Munggu beach in Bali, resting in the black sand. There was the possibility that it was already spoiled but who could really tell what was going on inside of its thick protective layer? I wanted to at least give it a try so I smashed it onto a rock and it quickly cracked open. This bright, rich meat looked back at me, offering itself to be my special ingredient for that day’s green smoothie.  

Sometimes you just need extra rich and creamy

This is pretty much the birth story of this smoothie creation. If chances are slim that you could stumble across a fresh coconut on your next stroll through the neighborhood, you can also substitute this beauty with some coconut flakes or coconut milk from the store. But I would always prefer the less processed foods instead. I normally also opt for the more fruit-based smoothie mixtures, but there are those days where you just long for a richer, creamier smoothie like this one. 

Getting adventurous with my fruit choices

For the bananas I had some extra luck this day. You might have already wondered about how different they look from the usual bananas you might know. It is a locally grown variety from Bali, that I hadn't tried before. And if you are a smoothie lover like myself, you might know how important the perfect bananas are for the consistency of a great smoothie. After this coconut experiment, I even favored this banana variety for following smoothie mixtures, since it made this creation super creamy and was not too dominant in its taste. 

Here is what you throw into your blender: 

  • 3 bananas 
  • 1/2 cup dates  
  • 1/2 cup fresh coconut meat 
  • 1 tsp spirulina powder 
  • 1 cup water  

No algae? No problem!

I know, not everyone has spirulina powder at hand or is bold enough to throw algae into their sweet smoothie. Instead, you can also go with the good old spinach leaves, this will also create a super tasty result and add some nutritious greens to support your health. Not to mention this awesome green color - always makes my day!  

Some dental advice on top: Dried fruits can easily get stuck between your teeth. If you soak the dates in water overnight, the blender is able to cut them into much smaller pieces and your teeth will be less affected by them.  

Now, ready to smoothie? 


Have a wonderful day and a fruitful journey ahead! 

Yours, Anais 

Nomadic adventuress since 2018 | Raw foodie | Health enthusiast | Minimalist | Freedom seeker | Passionate believer in a life full of bliss.  

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