The Story of My Life so Far - Part 93 - My second job at CR2A: Managing the Groupe ExTRA

This is the story of my life so far: 68 years and counting.
Prequel: A Brief History of my Family in France

The story starts here
Previous episode: Part 92

When we were assisting the DCAN for the computer system of the tracking ship Monge, we helped them to choose the main contractor.
However, shortly after he was chosen, the main contractor that was a big company (whose name I do not recall) did not appreciate to be somewhat managed by us, CR2A, as we were a much smaller company. So, they went to the DCAN and told them to get rid of us, as they believed they did not need our help. So, the contract was modified and my first job at CR2A was over.

Groupe ExTRA

There were several projects at CR2A at this time that were using the Ada programming language that I had learned at the CAD and that I liked very much.

One of this project was the management of the "groupe ExTRA". The groupe ExTRA was initially an informal group of engineers from several defense industry companies that had been created by the DCAN.

"ExTRA" meant "Extensions Temps Réel in Ada", in English: Real-Time Extensions in Ada. The initial goal was to write a document describing the semantics of services for hard real-time applications written in Ada.
In 1990, I started to work with the two engineers at CR2A that were managing the groupe ExTRA and writing the document: Dominique Chandesris and Nasser Kettani.


I spent almost four years with Dominique and Nasser, managing the groupe ExTRA (organizing the meetings, communication between the different members) and writing the ExTRA document, that we hoped would become a secondary ISO standard.

During these 4 years, Nasser and myself, we went to several meetings of the ISO working group that was dealing with the standardization of the next revision of the Ada programming language.

I'll describe these meetings in another post. I met many interesting people during these meetings, including one French guy that will help me getting my next job.

Continue to Part 94

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