Keep your hope alive. Some ideas to jump start your dream. And are you sure that you're fuelling up your Steemit rocket ship?

Don't let your dreams, merely stay as dreams.

You can make your dream work.

Here are some ideas to help you jump start your dreams.

Please weigh in with your own ideas or even your opinions & impressions

“If a man wants his dreams to come true he must wake up.”.png

Keep hope alive.

We all have dreams. Some big dreams, some little dreams. Education, society, experience & the school of hard knocks train us to give up on dreaming. To give up on our dreams.
What do you dream about?
Bring back memories of those dreams.
Its time to dream again.

Some food for thought.

  • Who are you?

          Your identity? 
          Your worth to yourself?
  • Who were you meant to be?

          Your destiny? 
          Your call? 
          What would you do,  even if no one else believed in you?
  • How do you look at yourself?

         A pygmy? 
         A giant in the making?
         A failure? 
         A success in progress?
  • What do you love?

         What animates you? 
         What keeps you up awake at night? In a good way? 
         What do you love doing?
  • Are you good at it?

         Do you have pride in your work? 
         Your talent? 
         Your skill? 
  • How will you monetize it?

          How will you make money off your idea? 
          Who will pay you money?
          Who is a potential customer?
  • Where will you do it?

          Which is the right place?
          Are you where you should be living?
  • When will you start?

          How will you accelerate a fast start?

Your world today.

You have a broad idea of an ideal world that you would love to operate in. Yet, you live in a real world where you still need to pay bills. You recognize the need for more money, more income.
What if you could have more than one source of income?
You've already begun to diversify your sources of income, by contributing to Steemit.

Dig your wells before you are thirsty.

  • Do you feel comfortably well off, able to take care of the needs of your family, today?
  • Do you see the need to stretch yourself further?
  • Are you prepared for a rainy day?
  • Would it not be prudent to dig your wells before you are thirsty?

We're set up for life.

  • So, the right genes, sound advice, your determination, wisdom & good fortune have set you up for life.
  • What about those less fortunate?
  • Are you ready to stretch yourself to go the extra mile for someone less fortunate?
  • What if you could make money to give away?
  • What if you could identify a problem, a need & then be the resource, a part of the solution to fix it?

The end game

The end game is for you to live your life on your terms; working on what you love the most; on your time.
At the same time, would you consider taking steps to experiencing the joy as a result of your being a means to encourage and/or set up others on the path that you have discovered for yourself?
How would you feel when you know that you have made a significant difference in someone else's life?

Your dream is bigger than yourself.

As you break through your ceiling, you create a floor for your children & for people that you love & influence.

As you punch through, you open doors, not only for yourself but also for others.

While you process a way to make your dreams come true, you still need to pay your bills. The internet has thrown up many opportunities, which you can grab with both hands.

You can make the internet work for you.

Like Steemit, many of these online products, do not require any start up cash.

Through faith and patient perseverance inherit the promises.png

You can get rich on the internet.

But not quick!

How you profit from internet marketing depends on:


   How much time do you have? 
   How much time are you willing to make for these opportunities?
   What is the cash value of your time now?


    Are you willing to make the effort to succeed? 
    How hungry are you? 
    Why are you are willing to put in this effort?


While many internet opportunities do not require you to deposit cash to start up, some network marketing franchsises expect you to be a customer of the product that you are promoting.
     How much cash do you have? 
     How much are you willing to invest?
     Are you willing to invest in tools? Training? Computers?
     Do you enjoy building up people?
     Are you willing to take the pains to build a network?


     What is the earnings potential? 
     How much do you want to earn?
     Is the upside worth the effort?
     Will the opportunity make a significant contribution 
             to your well-being?


    How long are you willing to wait for significant returns?
    Are you willing to forgo immediate gratification?
    Would you patiently persevere?
    Do you see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?


    Where you see yourself tomorrow?
    Will the opportunity make a significant difference 
            to your financial well-being?

Making a difference

    With patience and an intelligent effort, on your part, 
              internet marketing  can provide an opportunity 
              to make a significant difference to your 
              financial status. 

You can make the internet work for you

Or, you can say, que sera sera & win the race to the bottom.

Exponential technology.jpg


While exploring all the internet marketing opportunities detailed above, develop your own Steemit strategy. At the state Steemit is now, there is only upside for everyone.
  • Steemit is still in the development stage. Still in beta.
  • Steemit is an exponential technology on many levels: blockchain, social media, monetization, content creation & curation, freedom, currency & so on. In my opinion, Steemit is not even on the launch pad ready to take off. It is not even at 1%


How much of the Steemit upside will be yours?

  • What will happen when the rocket ship is being transported to the launch pad?
  • When it begins the launch countdown?
  • When it takes off?

When you see a rocket ship, get on the damn rocket ship.
@CowboyVC rocket ship founder
@_amychang of @accompany

Are you fuelling up your own Steemit rocket ship?

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