Day 63: Freewrite - Prompt: fire

Hi Everyone!

This is my Day 63: Freewrite - Prompt: fire that @mariannewest runs daily.

If you have never done a #freewrite please try it! You will have a ball!

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Shit! The god damn fire went out!

Mazie! get your ass back in here and get this fire going! NOW! I said! get your lazy ASS out of bed and get that fire to a roar! I'm freezing in here!

Mazie heard all this from the other room, she was so tired of it all. The day Bud came home from the war was her happiest and worst day ever.

She had been so happy to have her loving husband back in her arms to feel his strength. To know he was safe from harm was something she had prayed for ever day he was gone.

The day he finally came home though.....he was a broken man. The war had taken everything out of him even his humanity. It had left her husband broken, for lack of a better word, so broken inside he just couldn't find the light anymore.

He stayed alone in that room all day and night just looking for nothing it seemed. She had tried to get him to talk but as soon as she spoke he.......


Part 2 can be found here written by the wonderful @byn here:Love Always Wins: Collaborative Freewrite

Part 3 can be found here written by the sweetest soul @wandrnrose7 here: Love Always Wins Freewrite Collaboration

Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart @byn and @wandrnrose7 for being who you are!

Happy Writing!

Here are a few of my other #freewrite's if you care to read more:

Eleanor ~Day 62 Freewrite
Dammit, Jim! ~ Day 61 #freewrite
Day 59: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: a red scarf
The Weekend Freewrite 7
Happy Life! ~ A Poem
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