Dammit, Jim! ~ Day 61 #freewrite

Dammit, Jim! My shoe got stuck in the mud! Why must we always go off gallivanting to find you women? You use them for one hour, it might even be 42 minutes, and always leave her in the end? hmm?

In all the time we have been in space, The Final Frontier(da da daaaaaaaaa), you seem to be running to find every woman there is to fall in love with.

Did you ever think that maybe you are running away from life on planet earth? That maybe you should take a few HOURS and not mess with strange women? Maybe just get to know the people and their habits first before you sleep with the Leader of the newest planet we have discovered? Have you ever considered that?

Dammit, Jim! wipe your bloody, muddy shoes off! I'm not done talking!

Now have you ever considered that you have also caused more intergalactic fights by sleeping with more women then Henry the VIII did. He at least married them...........he killed them, but he did marry them so they would have a nice funeral......... OKay, he made up his own church too but really let's not get distracted.......

Did you just wipe your shoes off on my priceless white bear rug from planet Earth? Dammit, Jim!

Now, let's talk about you taking some time off to be alone with your thoughts and not running to women, have them fall in love with you, you tell her your very sorry but you are married to your ship, her people try and blow up our ship........a bunch of red-shirted people die..........

DAMMIT JIM! just take a vacation alone with a good book for once!


This is my Day 61: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: my shoe got stuck in the mud. If you have never tried a #freewrite please do. They are so much fun! There are no rules!

I just cracked myself up writing this. I hope you found it 1/4th as funny as I did! or I just need 18 hours of sleep and I will wake up and not find this funny at all :D

Happy Writing!

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Here are a few of my other #freewrite's if you care to read more.

Day 59: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: a red scarf
The Weekend Freewrite 7
Happy Life! ~ A Poem
Easy way to find links to all your Steemit posts.
Keeping Promises~
Day 55: Freewrite - Prompt: spent and tired
Gullible Berney
The Power of Steemit and #Freewrite
Rain~ #freewrite day 54

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