The Weekend Freewrite 5

Hi everyone!!

This is my: The Weekend Freewrite 5

It is dedicated to @wandrnrose7 for her beautiful loving spirit.


After only two months, Helen decided to become an exotic dancer.

She wanted chicks! If this was the only way to get Rodney's attention then so be it.

She was a nesting hen and not built for dancing, but a hen has to do what a hen has to in order to have babies chicks.

She was born to be the new Queen brooding hen! She knew it!

Everyone knew it was time to have a new bloodline in the coop.

The newest chicks were not right in the head!

You had to follow them around and make sure they didn't peck the electric lines for goodness sakes!

They splashed water everywhere. Every hen knew that water rotted your nest fast and made it cold in the winter.

So a dancing she would do until that Bloody rooster noticed her, and finally, her eggs would be filled with tiny, fluffy yellow chicks.


I decided the only solution was to seduce him!

It had been 3 weeks! Rodney still had not noticed her. Damn his black soul.

Her legs hurt from dancing up and down that pole. They were getting stronger every day. If the farmer saw that, she would soon be a kettle hen!

Tonight was the night, while all the other hens were sleeping she would go, peck Trudie to death and hide the body in the rocks on the other side of the coop.

Rodney would be all her's. The coop would then be her's too!

Enough was enough! Trudie had held reign for way too long! Her children were as dumb as the rocks she will be hidden under!


The way she made tea made Trudie smile, a slow evil smile but a smile none the less.

Trudie, in her cage, freshly washed and blown dry for the State Fair, looked at Helen all plucked naked on the cutting board and giggled to herself. She was not Queen of the coop for nothing!

She knew Helen wanted her position and had it all planned out with Rodney how to get rid of Helen.

Rodney asking for the pole to be added, when he spoke with the farmer, telling him how it would make the kettle hens plumper and juicier.

So it began. Helen fell for it, beak and all!

The plan unfolded perfectly!

Silly, silly never stood a chance!


Queen Trudi giggled to herself, all shiny and ready to meet her new beau at the State Fair.

Trudi knew her chicks from Rodney were not quite right. She had talked to the Farmer's Wife ages ago about getting Rodney replaced......

But that is a story for another day!


Happy Writing!

Here are a few of my other #freewrite if you care to read more:

Day 43: camping
Day 42: Black
Day 41: The goat ate my
Day 39/40: swimming with the dolphins/pasta
Day 38: Prompt: Fresh Floor Wax X 2
Weekend Freewrite 4
Day 34: Prompt: Big Wave
Day 33: Prompt: Hair
Day 32: Prompt: scream
Weekend Freewrite 3 - The First Sentence

3 columns
2 columns
1 column