Day 33: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Hair

Hi everyone!

This is my Day 33: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Hair

My favorite movie of ALL time!


It just doesn't get any better than this.

For me it has everything!

Music, great plot, Something I would have loved to be a part of.

The friendships that go so deep they are willing to do anything for each other and do.

Lost souls, bored but yet they give all to what they believe in.

Some of the music for some people might be a bit risque.

I love it all.

My Husband knew I loved the movie so took me to the play 3 times now on our Anniversary.

Once in Chicago, we had seats a tad too close. When the scene where everyone takes all their clothes off, something they are not allowed to do where I live, you saw everything!

The best part of that was the very rich people sitting next to us that had NO idea it was coming!

I thought this one lady was going to faint. Her husband and she did not come back for the 2nd act!

If ever I'm in a bad mood I can just listen to the album and you can not help but smile and sing along.

Yes, it has sad parts but so does life and in the end, it's a movie about life.

Happy Writing!

@mariannewest Thank you for the prompt today. I will go to bed smiling!

Here are a few of my other freewrite if you care to read more:

Day 32: Prompt: scream
Weekend Freewrite 3 - The First Sentence
Day 28: Prompt: Ooze
Day 27: 5 Minute Freewrite
Day 26: Prompt: a shoe
Freewrite Day 24, 21 and 19
Day 17: The Weekend Freewrite
Day 16: Prompt: Dirty Dishes
Day 15: Prompt: White Cat
Day 14: Prompt: Apricot
Day 13: Prompt: crazy
Day 12: Prompt: Some Change
Day 11: Prompt: Sleep
Day 10:Prompt: Splinter
Day 9:Prompt: After Midnight
Day 8Prompt: Started
Day 7:Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street

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