Christmas Day 2050

Dear eDiary,

I got c-mail from @pennsif first thing this morning. “Kitten! We are going to be on the 18:20 SNEWS on UTVSteem Channel 005! Remember that contest on SteemitInc you won back in 2017? The prompt was a diary entry on Christmas Day in 2050? How did you know? If I didn’t know better, I would think you were a time traveler! Anyways, I know it’s Christmas, but c-mail me when you get this so we can plan our interview!”

To be honest, I had not remembered this. Penn has the memory of a computer, it’s pretty amazing, really. Crazy surprise! And I have been nostalgic all day!

I haven’t written in a while. Things have been busy. After the War, technological advancements took a leap into the Sci Fi realm. We were fortunate to have not felt the ravages too much. They were right. In the beginning of the century they had predicted the next war would not be fought physically. America was unprepared for the cyber attacks. The grid collapsed and we were thrown into the dark ages. Many communities were prepared and we were one of them. The WorldCyberWar brought out the best minds, and we discovered so much, oh man, we suddenly could see things we were unable to. Things that were right beside us but we had no words for them and therefore blind. It still blows my mind.

We are living in an unprecedented time. One that was made possible because of the War. Crazy and sad, but I speak truth.

Today was busy. I am so grateful I am finally in bed. And I am thankful I don’t have to keep my eyes open and type like you used to back in 2017! Thinkboard is one of the greatest inventions ever, and I’m not just saying that because I’m a writer. I think everyone can agree- being able to just think like normal and have the words and images in your head translate onto the screen? Why didn’t they think of this sooner?

Bryan e-ported early this morning sometime before I awoke. I found him snoring on the couch, Mars dust sparkling from his boots. How old is he? When will he listen and TAKE HIS SHOES OFF IN THE HOUSE? This irritates me to no end! But I couldn’t be mad at my Beamer, he missed the last two Christmases due to space storms. He looks SO good! And he has grown half a foot! I remember in 2017, right around the time I started SteemitInc actually, he voiced his desire to colonize Mars in 2030. I told him he could do anything he set his mind to, but reminded him he had to start trying in school, that all future prospects will be easier if he did his dreaded homework. That was all he needed, this Mars dream.

And now he is Chief of Police on Mars. How amazing is that?

You can be anything you want if you go for it ;)

Nik pretended to be irritated at coming home for Christmas. “Why can’t we be like the other families, Mom, and ScreenTime it?” And, as usual, I told him “There’s no way we are sitting around the table in theory, on screens, eating at our own houses, fake celebrating. We will always be physically together, as a family, if only on Christmas. End of Transmission.”

Even though he’s knocking on 50 the boy still whines! But you know what? He was happy I made him. He hugged me for the millionth time today and said, “Momma? You know I know you are always right.”

He did chastise me for not having a robot helper. As usual. “It’ll make your life so much easier!” But I am not going to have one of those things around. They give me the creeps! What is my peace of mind worth?!! I told him the floors, toilet, and counters are all self cleaning, and all I have to do for meals is pop a meal packet in the Eatpod. But, he is a stubborn one.

Of course I cooked Christmas Dinner the super old fashioned way ;) I even peeled the potatoes by hand! With a knife tho, cuz I think I lost the potato peeler a few Chrismasses ago.

John swept thru the door all loud and crazy a few hours before dinner. He got his enhancements - robotic arm and leg extenders, that he’s been dreaming of since, oh, hell- probably 2017! He is arguably one of the most skilled UBA players in history. I was not too happy with the prospect, but they are not too invasive and they have been impacting his quality of life in a very good way, so his happiness makes me happy.

My house is pretty small. I always forget this until the holidays!

After the succession of the boys families and a few of our friends arriving via e-port it was suddenly quite cozy! My investment of the PopUp Guest Bathroom a few years ago was one of my best decisions ever. Seriously, if anyone reads this and is considering the purchase- just do it! It stores away at just the size of a paperback and is self cleaning and sanitizing. It’s totally worth it, I have never regretted it!

After dinner we accessed the memories of Christmases past. Watching our lives play out on the big screen is still amazing to me! It’s like having 24 hour GoPro recordings, even for the times before GoPro.

You know, times have changed so much. But Christmas will remain the same always. A time of being together and being thankful for each other, of sharing and making memories, and of giving and love.

Merry Christmas

This is my entry for Christmas in 2050 contest hosted by @pennsif

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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