The things I do for friends and fun! ~ Sims 4

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all having a great day.

A few days ago @simgirl had posted her Steem Legacy Challenge family on the Sim 4 Gallery. You can read her post here.

If you upload any sim to the gallery, anyone that plays the game can then download it and play with that family.

Knowing there were eight sims in that family and if I started fresh, I was going to only get 33.000$ to house them...............I cheated.

I started a new game and because I didn't have the same expansion packs @simgirl does, I had to go through each sim and make sure they all had hair and clothes. For an hour I had a ball!

Next, they needed a house. One that, for me, held eight sims.

I had a house, a big house built from Legacy earned money, soooooo I uploaded that house to the gallery and then downloaded it to a 60 x 60 plot of land and spent another hour making bedrooms for girls and giving it a country style inside.

It was a lot of fun! The newest Cats and Dogs expansion is mostly country-style furnishings which fit this family perfectly.

I had to give the family 1 million dollars so they could move into the house. Once moved in and settled I hired a Butler for them and a gardening service.

I then took all their money away except for 17,000$ so they had enough to pay the 1st months bills and then the OMG how do you play 8 sims! began!

I had to go through one by one and assign beds. Once that was done I checked all the children's inventory and got them all started on their homework. What a job that was!

Getting them all to bed was a nightmare and don't even get me started on monsters under the bed!

We finally made it through the first night and everyone went off to school. Big breath!

That afternoon when all the children came home from school they ALL had projects! those needed to be finished the next day on top of their homework!

Everyone was tired from their day at school, sooooooooo I went through, one sim at a time, and made them all take a vacation day which then gave me 24 hours to get everything done before they all had to go back to school.

Here is a very small video of the fun of 8 sims doing homework and school projects and a birthday thrown in all on the same night.

We did get everything done in time! yaaaa me!

One of the things I was having problems with was all the children have red hair so it was hard to tell them apart so back to the creat a sim we went and everyone got a new haircut and some new clothes.

Mamma Steem was pretty stressed by the end of the day so Hubby gave her a nice massage and off to bed they went.

It's been a lot of fun taking a family I have been hearing about from @simgirl and trying to play them. Thank You for that @simgirl!

What I did learn was @simgirl is CraZy when it comes to having babies in her games and I have no idea how she got as far as she has in her Legacy Challange with all those kids and no money. A HUGE Kudo's goes out to @simgirl for not giving up and playing on!

Until next time, Happy gaming!

If you care to read more about the Bolin Legacy and my other Sims 4 posts please follow the links below.

And he went hunting
Sims and my love for the Butler!
The Day the Music died...Sims 4
Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims 4
Time out! ~ Sims 4
And the World Turns~Sims 4
Going broke and Masterpiece paintings ~Sims 4
The Date! and making movies in Sims 4

Thank you all for being a part of this with me!

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