Make Your Own Organic Plant Fertilizers From Your Kitchen Scraps

Have you ever fertilized your plants? What do you use? Bought or self made fertilizers?

If you have read my previous post I've inserted a link about having grown chestnuts and walnuts from seeds in it. The walnuts germinated earlier and I have just inserted updates on their development on some of my posts but in case you didn't get to read them, here's the gif on it.

I was growing them indoors and they were growing just fine but I've noticed that some of their leaves are browning. They looked scorched though they are placed totally far away from direct sunlight and were regularly watered. They were also growing too thin so that rings the alarm of being malnourished which led me to making them a smoothie (sort' a) to boost their soil when I transplant them. All these signs are screaming my baby walnut plants need more Nitrogen, Potassium, Posphorus and Calcium. Yes, yes, there are many other nutrients they do need but let's focus on the major ones.

I'm growing them in pots because walnuts could release chemicals in soil that could kill plants like apples, tomatoes and many others. Plus, I intend to keep them short not necessarily like that of a bonsai but similar to it - in a sense that I'd like to just grow them in pots meaning their roots will have to be cut every year till they understand I don't want them to grow that tall. It would take them 10 years before they flower and fruit but I don't mind it's worth the wait. Having said that, it's necessary to know which kitchen scraps can provide which nutrients for them.

Here are a few samples of kitchen scraps you may use to make your own organic fertilizers for your plants.

I know you want sources though I've always made my own stuff from my head but you want sources so I have to edit this to include them the last minute.

List of Organic Fertilizers
Easy Guide to Vegan Organic Fertilizers

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Here are my other gardening articles:

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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