My Tiny Garden - Dendrobium Stardust 'Chiyomi' orchid

Few months ago I bough this lovely orchid. I was so surprised to see it in a regular supermarket. They don't have those type of orchids there. Usually just the regular Phalaenopsis and Cymbidiums.

Dendrobium Stardust Chiyomi 4.jpg

There was just one and of course I had to get it! Look at those pretty red veining on the lip and a bit of fuzzy fur!

Dendrobium Stardust 'Chiyomi' 5.jpg

Dendrobium Stardust 'Chiyomi' 3.jpg

She grows a bit weird though. I am used to that they do grow new baby plants along the cane (they are called Keikis). But this one created a new one from the tiny stem where flowers were! That is completely new to me. Oh no, I am not complaining. After they get a little big bigger I can detach them and have 2 more plants :)

Dendrobium Stardust 'Chiyomi' 2.jpg

Dendrobium Stardust 'Chiyomi'.jpg

All photos taken with Nikon D5500 and Sigma 105mm.

Previously on My Tiny Garden

Mini Phalaenopsis orchids + very basic orchid care
Dendrobium Kingianum orchid in bloom
Echeveria Pilosa with a black buddy
It's Periwinkle time!
Pink Cosmos flower
Most beautiful orchid buds
Nigella in 3 colours

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