Little Demon Hunters :: Haiku of Japan #85

waga kuni wa kodomo mo oni wo oi ni keri

in my country
the children also
chase demons

by Issa
(Tr. David LaSpina)

(Setsubun Demon by Hokusai)

He is referring to Setsubun, the day before Spring. In the traditional Japanese calendar this would have been right before New Years; now it is held on Feb 3rd. It is a spring cleaning ritual of sorts. Children will take roasted soy beans and throw them at someone dressed as a demon while chanting "Get out demon! Come in, good luck!". In some parts of the country, everyone will then eat the number of soybeans that correspond to their age for additional good luck. It's a fun ritual than the kids all love.

When Issa wrote this (1819) there were more and more Western ships coming to Japan trying to open trade, so this may be something of a humorous patriotic hokku.


†: Usually dad is drafted for this role. Yes, that means I have played the part of the demon a few times now. O, the pain of being pelted by soy beans! I feel sympathy for the demons.

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Who is David?
Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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