Loneliness Now as Deadly as Smoking and Obesity

The APA released shocking findings last month- over 42 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic loneliness.

The American Psychological Association presented these findings during their 125th annual convention which primarily focused on social disconnection. Chronic loneliness is now an epidemic, with health hazards comparable to those of smoking cigarettes and obesity. They report the number is likely to grow.

Despite how common the loneliness epidemic is, few realize the dramatic ways it impacts our health. Here are surprising facts about loneliness that will loneliness is, few people are fully aware of the dramatic ways in which it impacts us. Here are 9 surprising facts about loneliness that will change how you view this common but devastating, and rapidly growing condition. Be sure to keep reading for tips on how to help yourself or someone your recognize, too.

  1. It doesn't depend on how many friends or relationships you have. Loneliness depends on the subjective quality of relationships—on whether or not you feel socially and emotionally emotionally and/or socially detached from the ones surrounding you.

  2. Over 60% of lonely people are married. When you can no longer feel that "connection" and share your feelings and thoughts with your spouse you can feel alienated and alone.

  3. Loneliness distorts our perceptions, and makes us feel as though we are even further disconnected from all our friends and family than we actually are.

  4. Those who suffer chronic loneliness are colder. Science has found that lonely people actually feel chillier than than others. Their body temperature registers at a lower level than their non lonely peers in the same room.

  5. Loneliness is contagious. Like a disease, when one in your social network suffers, more follow within 6 months. Misery loves company.

  6. Loneliness causes a severe and immediate physical reaction by raising blood pressure and activating the release of stress hormones.

  7. Because of #6, chronic loneliness increases your risk of cardiovascular disease due to the body being under constant attack by stress hormones.

  8. Loneliness makes you sick. It reduces the immune system to leave you vulnerable to illnesses and diseases.

  9. Loneliness kills. With all the negative impact to your body, studies show chronic loneliness increases premature death by 14%.

Shocking findings.

So what to do about this growing concern?

Well for one, awareness is key.

The APA has this to say:


This is a completely reversible problem! The APA finds that having strong relationships and social connections drops early mortality rates by half.

With a rapidly growing technological era comes lesser in-person connectivity, so this is not something that is going to disappear. But greater awareness brings greater prevention.

Images via Pixabay and Pexel

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