Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.6


We see from a distance that a tractor was heading towards us, so we moved aside allowing it to pass through.

The tractor had no issues crossing the stream due to its high wheels, once it crossed an old man poked his head out and asked, "How are you guys doing? Need some help crossing the stream?".

"Doing good thanks, we are kind of stuck on this side" Charlie replied.

The old man then said something which we couldn't quite make out over the loud water slashing sounds, then he gave us a thumbs up before driving off…

We all sort of looked at each other with confusion, maybe he misunderstood us somehow and thought we were doing good on our own. We stood there for a while looking at the back of the tractor as it disappeared, thinking "There goes our opportunity of crossing the stream without getting soaked."

Anyway, we gathered ourselves once more, getting ready to cross the stream again, but this time we saw a loader heading towards us with a young man operating it.

He drove up to the stream and lowered the arms of the loader to our side, he looked at us and smiled, signalling us to jump in to the bucket.

I have never been in a loader bucket before, we weren't even sure if it could withstand the weight of the three of us, but what choice did we have, it's either jump on or get soaked trying to cross the dangerous stream.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six (Current Post)
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine


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