12th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 21weeks, advice to supportive partner/ find out your due date


Hello friends welcome to fetal development stages week 22 wowwww!! this is your last week in your 5 months and by next week you will be in your 6 months. Congratulations to you lets see fetal development this week


The fetus is now 28.4cm long from head to heal, the organs are growing, movement is becoming more intense and you can feel it more. The lungs is developing and the fetus has started practicing breathing in your womb, the fetus hearing is improving sounds can be heard like TV noise, car horn, music etc. The fetus hair is now visible on the head although it is thin but will be thick by the end of the pregnancy, eye brows are also growing btoo, the eyes continues to develop . The fetus is also learning how to grasp with to their hand and is practicing this using the umbilical cord, they can also differentiate between light and dark even though their eyes are still closed, muscles are developing, the heart beats can be heard this from this week through stethoscope, fetus bones are becoming stronger and needs enough calcium as the teeth is also developing too.



🤰 Constipation; it is normal in Pregnancy but it's not good since it can result in hemorrhiod,so try as much as possible to avoid it by eating more fiber food and taking enough fluids.

🤰 Pelvic pains; you will likely feel some cramps but do not panic or rush to take pain relief rather talk to your doctor. But be aware that there is a contraction that will happen this week 22 called Braxton Hicks contractions, the uterus is practicing contraction it's not dangerous but are irregular which helps to tighten the muscles in the uterus.

🤰 Tiredness; you will feel tired and lazy due to hormonal changes.

🤰 Growing bump


🤰 Eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, throughout your pregnancy journey you need healthy food to keep both you and your baby healthy. You need calcium this week of course do eat foods that contain calcium and folate to build your red blood cells.

🤰 Do KEGEL regularly at this stage onwards to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, always be conscious to do that always.

🤰 Start preparing your mind for breastfeeding, I remember I discussed the importance of breastfeeding in my 6th series please read up and see the benefits so as to decide and start planning for either exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months or baby friendly for 6 months.

🤰 Prepare your mind for labour, are you nervous? Please don't be. Understand what is going on in you now so as to know what to expect in labour. You know you have a beautiful baby growing inside you and as such oneday the baby will be out for you to see, therefore irrespective of how people talk about labour pains, remember you will be going through that to bring about another human that was growing in you. Knowing what you about to experience will make you remain calm throughout labour and focus on obeying your doctor and midwife. So be calm 🤠

🤰 Start packing your hospital bag, remember your EDD at all times and be prepared even before you enter your EDD month.

🤰 Always like at your left hand side

🤰 If you haven't meet a doctor yet, please try and schedule an appointment and also do your scan to check if your fetus is doing fine without any abnormalities.



This occurs if your body doesn't have enough iron or other nutrients needed to produce red blood cells which helps in carrying oxygen to your baby.
There are different types of amemia

🤰 Iron-deficiency
🤰 Folate deficiency
🤰 Vitamin B12 deficiency

  • Iron-deficiency; it occurs when your body do not have enough iron to produce hemoglobin in a required amount needed in the body. This results in failure of caring oxygen to the different part of the body.
  • Folate deficiency; it occurs when there is no enough folate in the body, every pregnant women needs folate and that's the reason you need to take Folic Acid every day, failure to have it results in birth defects.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency; when you are deficient of vitamin B12, your body will not be able to produce red blood cells which may result in some abnormalities, so endeavour to eat food that supplies this to you or take your supplements seriously.

  • Pale
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weaknesses

Even with this symptoms you still need to see your doctor for proper testing and diagnosis.



  • Eat healthy, enough vegetables and fruits.
  • Take your supplements seriously
  • See your doctor for regular checkups


Birth defects are abnormalities that can be seen physical and some are internally, some later developed as the baby grows up.

  • Genetic
  • Untreated infection during pregnancy
  • Exposure to drugs

  • Cleft lip and palate;it is the opening of the upper lip while a cleft palate is a opening in the mouth. It is cause by some medication taken during pregnancy.
  • Heart defects; it is the abnormalities of the heart, causes includes lifestyle during pregnancy, some herbal remedies taken, genetic etc.

  • Down syndrome; this is when the physical and mental development is delayed.

  • Clubfoot; this is when the foots faces inward instead of forward.

Birth defects are diagnosed through the ultrasound scan when all the part of the body are checked to be sure there is no abnormalities. Some birth defect are treated through medication, surgeries and some proper home cares.


Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

The Previous Series:

1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9,10,11



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