A Grand Day ~ The 66 2/3 Micro Achievement Award For Number of Followers on Steemit

The Official Micro Achievement - 66 2/3 Follower Award ~ In All Of Its Splendor ~

An Achievement Worth Achieving - And Thus Worth Noting

Wow! I've done it. I've reached the coveted landmark of 66 2/3 followers on Steemit. Actually, I passed this momentous occasion of humanic followance and numerical tabulation a few days ago. But if you have been following my latest posts, you will recall that I ran into a wrinkle in the photographic background department of things (PFI), when documenting this grand moment in time. No, this is not Deep Green Velveteen. Yes, this 'less than ridiculously expensive' background cloth will suffice. And as such and thus, though a few days behind since surpassing this number of followers, I am sure no one will be any the wiser. Or for that matter, actually care all that much.

~ An Historical Perspective ~

The Original Multicolored 33 1/3 Micro Award ~ In All Of Its Splendor ~

The Original Muticolored 33 1/3 Micro Award - Excerpted From Historical Post # 23 - Several Months Ago, In A Steemit Time Long Since Past:

Not long ago, I visited Graceland, home of the late, great Elvis Presley, and I noticed a whole bunch of shiny gold records hanging on his many walls. These awards were bestowed upon him in recognition of a massively large number of record albums being sold during his long, storied career. An idea was born...

Small, achievable goals are always a good thing to recognize, and as such, I have decided to bestow upon myself an award for a major minor accomplishment. My STEEMIT account has reached an official 33 followers. And thus, this multi-colored, 33 1/3 display record I am giving myself, will be hung on my virtual wall of success, in recognition of the 33 of you STEEMIAN's out there that have signed on and followed me in the past month on this site. I could not have done it without you. I greatly appreciate your support and thank you for taking the time to follow me. A thank you as well to the folks that vote for my creations. Wow, 33 1/3...ONE THIRD of the way to that vaunted milestone of the glorious 100 followers!!!

Jump Ahead To Today - 66 2/3 And Going Strong

Since that time way back, I have gathered in 33 1/3 more followers, and have reached the vaunted 66 2/3 followers mark. And I would like to take this opportunity to put out an extra large Thank You to the folks on Steemit that have been following, reading, commenting and voting my Posts for the last few months. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. These posts are so much fun to write, I hope they are also fun to read.

And now that I've reached this wondrous goal of 66 2/3 followers, it is time to look ahead. And put out that extra 155% of perspirational keyboard effort, and strive for the next, yet unknown, 33 1/3 of you out there. No doubt all waiting with virtual index finger anxiously poised over the 'FOLLOW' button, heavy decision-stream weighting your brain, yet... inching that mouse and virtual digit ever-so close, moment by moment, to the resulting edge of this deep, deep pool of potential support. Ok, so I'm prone to a bit of exaggeration now and then, but we can all dream, right?

The Following Future

Only one more of these 33 1/3 follower milestones to go, and I will reach 99 3/3 of the way to that magical number. Which, when applying proper math, means I will actually be AT that number: The GRAND 100.

And after that, dare I think it, and all goes well, and ANOTHER umpteen or so folks sign up, I will have...even MORE! Reminds me of some sound advice I received years ago from someone I've since long forgotten that was close to me: "If you don't dream big, your dreams will probably stay small." It is highly possible I did not forget them, as much as some of the advice they passed on to me, but either way, we shall apply what is left of it here today.

The 66 2/3 Micro Award For Number of Followers on Steemit

Post Script: When I originally created the 33 1/3 Micro Award for Followers months back, I thought it might make a good public award that I would pass on to other Steemians' in Comments, when they reach this landmark. (It would look similar to the one above, only small, like the one below my A.O.C. badge below.) I sent the original award to a few folks that had reached the coveted 33 1/3 followers, but received no response back. Once again, I am wondering if this might be a viable idea, to pass the award on to folks reaching the 66 2/3 follower mark. Just a thought. Let me know what you think in comments below. Thanks.

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 33 1/3 Award for Number of Followers

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire

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