Daily Quote Wisdom - Laughter - Alton Brown


Hi there, Steeamian Fam,

I went looking for a happiness quote again, but thought laughter would be a great theme for today.

Have you laughed yet for Thursday, March 8, 2018?

A whole, full, racking belly laugh kind of laugh?

I haven't yet.

But I'm going to take the time to laugh.

I usually watch something funny.

Either a Youtube video or a comedy show or just jokes or better yet, chatting with a friend or friends and laughing together about whatever nonsense comes up.

And there's so much craziness going on life-wise, Earth-wise, that it usually is pretty easy to find something to laugh about.

Better laugh than cry, right. ;)

Later on, I'll report back via my journal post.

Let me know if you've laughed yet today and what usually gets you laughing raucously out loud with joyous abandon... enough to make your neighbors or others around you think you've gone stark, raving mad.

Talk soon,


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