Zen and the Art of the Perfect Gift

I came across a Reddit thread asking ladies what they really want for a holiday gift. Seriously, the most important advice: DO NOT I repeat do not buy her household appliances! Unless specifically asked for. The horror a man feels when he sees the look on her face when she opens her shiny new vacuum is unforgettable and oft warned against! But still, a guy sometimes finds himself in the appliance section because he remembers her swearing like a sailor at her antiquated vacuum that doesn't suck, and he feels he is doing her a solid. Trust me honey, a vacuum signifies cleaning. Nobody likes cleaning. The last thing she wants to think about is cleaning.

She will think of you every time she looks at or uses the gift.

Keep this in mind. Whether the present is good or bad, you will be remembered each and every time.

You might be drawn to giving something utilitarian and practical. Sometimes you can clearly see that she needs something- her precariously balanced iPhone on the towel rack demands a waterproof bluetooth speaker.

A cute phone stand would eliminate her need for balancing it between the spaghetti box and kitchen towel when she's using recipes.

A remote car starter would help her warm the car on freezing winter mornings and save her 20 minutes every morning.

PS. Time savers are always in style!

Sometimes you need to choose an item that is indulgent. Something that she won't buy for herself. The extravagantly overpriced Sephora makeup, a cashmere sweater, a certificate for an entire day at the spa.

Gift choosing can feel overwhelming. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help take the pressure off so that you are sure to choose the very best present that will make her melt.

Helpful Tips

  • Be her Santa, baby!

Listen. She will drop hints. Keep focused, and keep a list! Several long-married friends of mine keep a word doc they update whenever she drops a hint or you are shopping together and she lingers and Oohs and Ahs over something. If she stares longingly at something but does not purchase it, it probably is because she cannot justify the cost. It would make a great present :)

  • Stalker, Much?

When it comes to finding the perfect gift, you might have to do a little sleuthing. Find her Pinterest page and look at her pins. Locate her Amazon or Elfster wish page. Get an idea by doing a bit of detective work :) Figure out her clothing and shoe sizes and write those down too.

If you're thinking jewelry, look at what she wears to determine if she likes silver or gold- most gals have a preference.

  • Just Ask!

It might seem intimidating, but trust me, it's actually pretty sweet to ask her friends or family. When my bestie's boyfriend came to me and shyly confessed he had no idea what to get her, my heart melted! Here was a guy who would risk embarrassment to actually ask someone who has known his love longer than he. It is really sweet, and we will be very jealous of the girl for having such a thoughtful and considerate man. Yes, we do talk about you ;)

  • Cost Doesn't Matter!

But the thought does. The thought process behind the gift is what gives it value.

If your girl likes running, put together a gift box with a phone armband, earbuds, brand new socks in the style she wears, reflective tape for her shoes, etc. If she likes the beach, you can find little trinkets such as a sailboat ornament, a two person beach towel, a starfish necklace, a beach tote with your photo personalized, palm tree and dolphin magnets, and place a few seashells in the box. If she is a cat lover, put together a box with a few cat toys, a Lil Bub pillow, a cat mug, and kitten salt and pepper shakers.

You can combine a couple- for instance if she loves books and the beach, find palm tree bookends and a booklamp in the shape of an ocean wave.

  • Take the Price Tag off but Keep the Receipt

Remove the price tag- she does not need to know the cost. Be sure to leave the UPC code on, as well as keep the receipt just in case it needs to be returned or exchanged for a different size.

Add a little bit of you to the present.

  • When you go away for the weekend, slip off to find a trinket and put it away till Christmas, or any holiday. When she opens it she will be reminded of your romantic weekend together.

  • She fell for you, and all the little things that make you, well you! Are you musical? Write her a song. Writer? She'd love a heartfelt poem on nice paper in a beautiful frame. Make her a video montage of your photos together. Painter? Sculptor? Woodworker? You get the picture. These things are personal, unique, heartfelt, thoughtful, and will mean the world to her.

  • Have you talked about doing something together? Maybe you have discussed taking cooking classes, or going skydiving. Has she expressed an interest in ballroom dancing or ice skating? A gift certificate to something for the two of you is a no fail present. After all, the thing she wants most is to share time with you.

Bonus: Stocking Stuffers

Here are a few ideas for inexpensive stocking stuffers she is sure to love.

  • Socks. We can't resist cute and fuzzy soft socks!
  • Scented candles
  • Candy and chocolate- you can't go wrong
  • Picture frame. Bonus: with a photo of the two of you
  • Bamboo pillowcases- you always have the cool side of the pillow
  • Gift cards to her favorite restaurant, beauty salon, cosmetics counter, etc.
  • Divinely scented soaps

And if all else fails, just ask her for ideas. She will love the fact you care enough to give her something she will love.

What was the most thoughtful gift you ever received?

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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