About Being Content

I believe that the one thing we need to practice in order to live a happier and a much more fulfilled life is contentment. Contentment seems hard to practice because there is just "never enough" but then, one mustn't have it all before he can practice contentment. Its all about the state of one's mind.


If we wait until we have it all before we become content (and live happily) then, we never might attain that and that's because our demands keep increasing as life keeps changing. The list of things we want to have or achieve just keeps multiplying! 

You want to wait until you have the newest car model, your dream house or dream job before you become content? Just when you get to have those things, you will see newer car models (which you will still want to own), finer houses and a job opportunity that is better than the one you have. Yes, there will always be new things, there will always be better things, but that doesn't make contentment unattainable. 

For one to be content, then one has to practice gratitude, having a grateful heart makes us see much more than what we have at hand, and also opens our heart to appreciate even the little we have. I believe that for one's soul to thrive and be satisfied then that person needs to have a grateful heart, it is key to being content.


We often see contentment as "settling for less" but it really isn't, it is being grateful for what you have at hand, appreciating it even while you work towards being where you want to be. Discontentment makes one disregard what he has, and most times we end up losing it even before getting where we want to or having what we want to. Don't lose what you have while chasing what you wish to have!

I feel that when we compare ourselves to others, we keep ourselves from truly enjoying life and being our best. Comparison steals the joy out of life, it sprouts discontentment which could lead to greed.

Freeing one's self from being extremely attached to material things will also help attain contentment. Yes, these things are important to our lives, we love them and use them but being really attached to them isn't a good idea, if you ask me. Don't let your happiness get tied to them.


When one constantly lives in fear, then there is no way that a person can be content. Contentment is about being at peace and fear is no way a form of peace, fear distorts one's peace (always looking for what to feed our fear with). Learning to control your fear will go a long way in helping you enjoy the benefits that come with contentment.

The whole point of contentment is so we can live a happy and fulfilled life. Being content gives one immeasurable joy, even in the face of scarcity. We really don't need to have it all in order to enjoy life and live happily, we just need to practice contentment.

Much Love, Audrey

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