Just a Little Bit Of Kindness

Kindness is an amazing quality which I believe every one of us should have, however, it seems to be quite hard to practice it most times. But then, one thing is for sure; that we all have a bit of kindness, deep inside of us. 

I know, there are times when people step on our toes and we can't help but react to them in an unkind manner, but really, reacting in an unkind manner doesn't make things better at all. Not for us, and definitely not for them. Most times, it only makes things worse.


Some of us have been taken advantage of due to our kindness, but I don't think that should change the way we are. I know that can really shake us up and make us close our heart to being kind to people, but being kind isn't just for the person you are being kind to, it is for you as well.

The words we say are super important to our being and relationship with people, and that is the best place to start practising kindness. Being kind doesn't really need you to break the bank or go out of your way all the time (although that goes a long way in proving one's act of kindness), your words also should be seasoned with kindness. "chew them before you spew them"

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see ~  Mark Twain 


How Do We Practice Being Kind?

Be Empathic

Empathy is all about taking one's feelings, emotions, views and opinion into consideration. Try relating to other's feeling, if you wanna turn someone down, then do that politely and calmness, with the person's feeling at heart, that will help you relate better with that person. If you are empathic, you will be able to be more compassionate.

Practice Humility

Ego sometimes stops us from being kind towards people, and that really stops us from connecting with others. Humility is a quality that I believe is important for our lives, not only so we can a bit more kind to others, but for several other things as well. And being humble doesn't make you less of who you are.

Choose Kindness Over Right

Maybe you really are right, but insisting on how right you are wouldn't make one accept your views (the thing is most times, we might not be even "right"). Now, that doesn't mean you should compromise on your values, it just means letting your kindness manifest, and you not pushing it down people's throat.



Sometimes, being kind requires us giving out our cash, time or possessions to others. This isn't always an easy one, but it also proves how kind one is. You don't have to own the "world" before you can help someone out, what really matters when it comes to giving is the heart which you use to give. Somehow, we feel the love that behind the giver's act, even with the little gifts we receive.

Being kind is a choice, and one really can't be forced into being kind to others. Give it as a gift,  it is something almost everyone can afford and not as "expensive" as it may seem, but it always is valuable and leaves a positive impact on the receiver. One thing is for sure though, you can't be kind to others without being kind to yourself first. So, be kind to yourself first and then, you can extend that kindness to others.


Remember that kindness is contagious. Your kindness can inspire others to be a bit kind and if we are able to give just that "bit" of kindness, then I believe it will go a long way in making the world a better place to live in. The world needs your kindness, don't keep it bottled up inside of you!

Much Love, Audrey

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