Who is Grant Cardone? Why he is my #1 Mentor and What he has Taught me

Who is Grant Cardone?

Grant Cardone is the cash king and my #1 mentor in business, real estate, coaching, sales, and the list goes on. He is a New York Time bestselling author and #1 sales trainer in the world. He really changed my perspective in a direct way to have so much more clarity in everything I was doing.

I was on the right path in life but Grant gave me such awareness where I understand what I needed to do now and going forward in the future. I will give you some insight at the end of the video about my own story.

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What I learnt from Grant

The most important lesson I learned was to make more money. Master the game of income, producing money and lots of it!

Many in this world become complacent which is so detrimental to themselves, their families and then the world cause you won’t be able to help anybody else. We often think so small and believe a little money will go a long way. This is far from the truth. The new middle class is having a couple million of dollars. Everyone in my area has at least a million dollars. All broke, need to work till the day they die, and are worried they won’t have enough to support themselves and their families. Emergency come up, screws up can happen, and it is very easy to lose or spend a lot of money.

Also he taught me how not making a lot of money is selfish. When you have the bare minimum in life, everything is about you and you can’t help anybody.

I’ve done videos on these subjects in the past if you want to see them, you can view them on my YouTube channel. HERE

My Relating Stories

Just like me, Grant did not want to be like the people he was around growing up. I look at the people or things around me and see what I do not like and do the opposite of what I see.

Such as saving will make you broke, do not take advice from a millionaire, and stay broke. By the time I was 25 I have accumulated a fair some of money. People could think that I was rich but I never show a cent because I was trying to get majorly ahead of the game.

Once I came into this cash, I was still trying to make it big but I became also very conservative with my money because I never wanted to lose it. I didn’t do what Grant also says and that is you MUST Play offense, dominate your industry, and be on the brink of broke always, taking risk. Not risk as in gambling or not educating and making sound decisions but you must be offensive and dominate. In sports when teams are winning do they stop scoring when they are ahead by a lot?

No they keep hammering in the goals until the game finishes. Do the top companies in the world slow down a bit when they a demolishing there competition? No they keep innovating, keep producing, and keep ringing the register. Why? If you do not, it is a matter of time before your competition takes over and buries you!

Managing Money Will Keep You Broke

When I had that money, I started to just manage the money. I stop trying to be completely offensive, I wasn’t investing enough into myself to further my education. I became complacent when I started to kill the game. Scared to spend money when I had so much then I ever did in my life.

The staying broke lesson I always did but went too far with it. The theory is to stay broke so you can use the money to multiply. I was investing in real estate and was a day trader. My problem was though; I wasn’t good enough at making money. With all the money I made, I still sucked at making money. I didn’t have a good enough plan, good enough skills to consistently continue to make money and scale up.

What I did, as a trader I started to day trade, which was a bad idea for me and I think for most people. I had some big hiccups in real estate that cost be a bundle and I was almost at the starting line again, feeling like I couldn’t do anything anymore. I turned into the “millionaire” you shouldn’t take advice from because I wasn’t producing at all and did not have a system or good enough skills to get back on the horse.

As for saving, it will do nothing for you as I mentioned anything can happen, millions of dollars can be spent or lost. This is WHY you need to be always producing income, making that cash to protect your back at all times.

The Bottom Line

So what Grant preaches is Make a ton of money, protect that money by keeping it, don’t lose it. Then multiply that money. I jumped the gun to quick because I always wanted to be a business man and knew I wanted to be in Real Estate and the stock market but I became an investor, too early.

What should you do?? Get educated; continue to learn from the best in the business. Do not take anything for granted and keep grinding like you have nothing until you have so much you can’t lose and even if you did, you are so experienced you can get it back any day of the week. Having coaches to give you critical criticism is so important to make quick changes that need to be done. Work on the specific details that you master and become the best in what you are doing.

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