Drone Day at the Park with the Niece & Nephew and Steemit bought the Ice Cream!

Greetings Steemit!

After some crazy weather passed through town this past weekend - we're looking down the barrel of a gloriously beautiful day here in Springfield MO.

To celebrate this gift: I decided to meet my Sister & her children at the park.. and if you've been following my Steemit posts these past few weeks.. YOU KNOW I HAD to bring my camera drone.

Below are those results.

Drone assembly on a park bench. The Nephew asked many questions about every step along the way. Class has begun.

Bird in the air = Tutorial in process. Nephew made for a very attentive and responsible student.

Time to pass the remote - Nephew was very excited! Niece seeing that her brother is interested, is now interested herself.

Niece's Turn - She paid attention for 2 seconds before asking "Baby's turn to fly?", meaning her doll.

When I said "No cutie, baby's too young to fly" Niece decides she would rather play in a tree.

Nephew steps back up for Round 2. He wants to know more about the drone so I start showing him how the camera works. (Quadcopter View)

He then asks to "Go Really High & Take a Picture" so we ascend to about 150' and he snaps this pic.

Nephew asks to see it "Go Really Far!" so I assume control and take it for a quick spin around the park. (39 second video)

And for our victory lap - Ice Cream! Notice the Nephew's Ice Cream Face.

What they don't realize is that the Ice Cream was paid for by the earnings of this Steemit post, in which I closed that past post saying that I would do so. Today was that day - and I thank Steemit for being a small part of this fun family memory.

Cheers Steemit!


-Who is: GiftedGaia?

-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast

-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important

-My DJ Mixes Archive

-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)

-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music

-Photogenic Adventures Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

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