* Friendship, the family that one chooses *

They say that friends are the family that you choose. And I do not pretend to talk about any friendship, but about La Amistad. With capital letters. That bond as strong as few, the result of the chance to meet in life. That love that does not hurt, or squeeze and know to be close to miles away.

The DRAE defines friendship as "Personal affection, pure and disinterested, shared with another person, born and strengthened by the deal". And I recognize that I am surprised and fascinated by this definition in equal parts. Centuries of history have placed consanguinity relations as the most stable, unconditional and affectionate ... neglecting in part the global importance of friendship.

                    The importance of friendship

Friends suppose a point of support from childhood. They allow us to learn values, experience different roles and discover who we want to be. They help us to build our identity, to develop empathy and to feel part of a group.

The concept of friendship is personal and, therefore, partially subjective. What we expect from this link changes with time, experience and circumstances. As we mature, we become more selective, we look for quality rather than quantity and we have more clear features that define a true friendship (or at least the one we want to surround ourselves with).

In addition, friends allow us to discover and develop different facets of ourselves. They help us to have a healthy self-esteem and provoke positive emotions that allow a greater psychological stability. We could say, therefore, that in some way friendship protects, cares for and strengthens us.

"A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother."
Demetrio de Falero-

            Characteristics of true friendship

Either because we have not had occasion to enjoy a true friendship or because we are in a moment of vital confusion, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between acquaintances, colleagues, colleagues and friends. These are some traits that define a true friendship.

* Confidence and unconditionality: is that person you can trust. With which you can be you without filters, in a sincere and transparent way. It is a relationship based on the certainty of being able to trust absolutely in the other person. Both when things are going well and when things go wrong, friends accompany us and transmit their support. You know they're going to tell you the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear.

* Reciprocity: friendship is a shared bond in which there is a bidirectionality in terms of communication, actions, feelings and interest. It is normal that there are stages in which, for some reason, we neglect this bidirectionality. When this happens it is important to empathize, learn and rectify. We can all make mistakes. Friends really forgive us and also teach us to be better friends.

* Good wishes: a friend rejoices when things go well, celebrate your successes and feel happy for your happiness. There is no room for envy or selfishness: a good friend is by your side in a disinterested way.

* Motivation for sharing time and experiences: you want to share time, live new experiences and generate new anecdotes that strengthen the bond.

* Also, it does not matter how much time passes and how many kilometers there are: when a friendship is true, the complicity remains intact.

* Freedom: friendship does not generate feelings of oppression. It allows you to be yourself and is based on respect. It makes you feel more free and better person. It does not make you feel used or try to manipulate you. It does not demand a time from you or seeks to make you someone you are not. Friends really invite you to think, they offer you a space free of judgments and let you breathe.

              Who have a friend, have a treasure"

Friendship is not found in anyone. There are many people who come and go. But sometimes, at the least expected moment, a spark springs up and that connection is created: something special, important and lasting. This does not happen many times in life. Therefore, if you have one of these Friendships (with a capital letter), take care of it. Do not take it for granted. Water it with patience, sincerity, affection and attention.

Important people mark our lives. So if you are lucky enough to enjoy such a friendship, you are an infinitely fortunate person. You have a magic link between your hands, something authentic and unconditional. You have a sister, an uncle for your son, or a companion forever. And is that, if you have a real friendship, in addition to a precious asset, you have another reason to shine.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light"

                    I invite you to see these articles

 * Prayers, rituals and prohibitions on Valentine's Day *                  

               * How stress affects negotiations *

    * Why do Orientals see pressure as an enemy *

  * The pressure of the 30: can we talk about crisis? *

                 * What to do when love is over? *

                   * Life lessons by joelgonz1982 *

        All the images were taken from the public domain

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