20 questions with Jeff Reitz (Disneyland Attendance World Record Holder)

How many times have you been to Disneyland in the past six years?

Once? Twice? Eight times?

Regardless of your answer, it pales in comparison to today's 20 questions guest, Jeff Reitz, who has been to Disneyland EVERY SINGLE DAY since 2011.


To be more specific, Jeff has visited Disneyland for 2,256 consecutive days. And the record is ongoing. He was there yesterday. He'll be there today. And he'll most likely be there tomorrow as well.

Along with keeping his mind-blowing streak alive, Jeff has amassed a social media following of thousands who are interested in keeping tabs on his daily adventures inside the Disney gates.

But how did this streak start? Why has Jeff kept it going? And will he ever get sick of Disneyland?

Today's "20 questions" interview is with a man who chooses to live most of his life in The Happiest Place on Earth.

20 questions with Jeff Reitz


1 - How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Jeff - I would say I am an adventurer who loves Disney and enjoys capturing my memories through photos/videos to share with others.

2 - Over the past year, you've received a lot of attention for your Disneyland attendance streak. For those who aren't aware, what is your streak currently at?

Jeff - As of Sunday, March 4, 2018, I have been to Disneyland every day since 2011. That is 2,255 consecutive days.

3 - As far as you know, is that a world record?

Jeff - Yes, it is a world record that has been noted by Disney and other agencies, but I have not filed it with Guinness World Records yet. It would be a new entry, I believe, for the most consecutive days at a single theme park.

Disney has given me some congratulatory gifts over the years, but nothing stating the record number to commemorate the achievement. As I am still going, the record keeps changing at this time.


4 - What inspired you to start visiting Disneyland on a regular basis?

Jeff - The original idea to go to Disneyland started out as a joke between friends and was fuelled by a commercial from Disney.

On New Year's Eve 2011, Disney ran a commercial about giving you an "Extra Disney Day" in reference to the Leap Day 24hr celebration that happened on February 29, 2012 (Day 60). We joked: how could it be an extra Disney day if you didn't use all of them? So we decided to go all 366 days of 2012.

We already had passes that had been given to us as gifts for birthday, Christmas and such. We were both unemployed at the time and so decided to use it as a positive. It forced you to get up and out of bed instead of moping around about not having a job. Plus, we had pedometer apps on our phones so we were logging exercise time when we would visit the park.

And since you never know who you are talking to or have the opportunity to talk to while at Disneyland, we worked on our networking and communication skills when talking with other guests and cast members (employees).

5 - What is your biggest motivation for continuing to go on a daily basis?

Jeff - My biggest motivation for continuing to go to Disneyland on a daily basis is fun. I do truly enjoy my visits to the park each day. It has also become like a gym for me by walking around the resort it has helped me to lose weight and stay in shape. The added bonus of social media has also helped to fuel my love of Disney by being able to share the magic with other fans of Disney Around the World.


6 - Have you ever had illness or other life events threaten your attendance record?

Jeff - I have been lucky that I don't get sick very often so it hasn't really been an issue for me. I joke around that I think it's the pixie dust that keeps me healthy.

7 - Thousands of people are now following you on social media. Do you enjoy the social media aspect? Or do you find it is hard work to keep it up-to-date?

Jeff - Yes, I do enjoy the social media aspect. It has helped me to learn new technologies that I use to share the magic of Disney with fans around the world. Since I enjoy posting my imagery live from the park it means that people can see what's really happening and not posted later where there may have been times for imagery to be altered or edited. It also means for me that I don't have to find additional time to put things together to upload at a later time. So when I leave the park, my social media is basically done until my next visit.

8 - What kinds of positive messages have you received from fans/followers?

Jeff - I have received a lot of different types of positive messages from around the world, but I think the ones I really enjoy are when people send me notes to let me know how looking at my images can really help them to put a smile on their face when they're going through rough times at home.

9 - Have you received any negative messages?

Jeff - Yes, I have received negative messages also. I just received one the other day that started out asking me when I was going to stop because they felt that I didn't have a life outside of Disney. I tried to point out to them that just because I don't post outside of Disney on Instagram it doesn't mean that I don't have a life outside of the park. Most of the other negative messages come on social media in the comments of articles and videos that have been posted about me by news sources. Those can be some pretty mean messages about me or even those around me.


10 - Do you think you'll ever get sick of Disneyland?

Jeff - No, I don't think I will get sick of Disneyland because I like to change things up and do different things each time so I don't get bored by riding the same ride everyday or visiting the same land everyday. Not only that, but Disneyland is continually growing and evolving. Like right now, Main Street has been going through upgrades and Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is in the process of being built to open in 2019. That means a whole new area to explore and have fun in.

11 - What is your favorite ride in Disneyland?

Jeff - My favorite ride in Disneyland has always been the Matterhorn Bobsleds since I was about 2 years old.

12 - Who is your favorite Disney character?

Jeff - My favorite Disney character in the park is Goofy. In the Disney movies it's Bruce (Finding Nemo), Hank (Finding Dory), and Sully (Monsters Inc).

13 - What's your favorite Disney movie?

Jeff - My favorite Disney movie is Tron.


14 - For someone who has never been to Disneyland before, what tips would you give them to make the most of their first visit?

Jeff - The tips I like to give always start with bringing your patience. Remember that Disneyland is loved by people around the world and can be very crowded, so bring your patience and try not to get to upset when it is a crowded place. Also, using the Disney fast pass or Max Fastpass or Maxpass systems can help you get on rides quicker. My other tip is to talk to cast members. It may be to find out a show time, or a restaurant to go to for a type of food you want, or where the nearest restroom is. The cast members are the ones who really can help make the magic for your visit.

15 - Have you been to Walt Disney World before? In your opinion, how did it compare to Disneyland?

Jeff - Yes, I have been to Walt Disney World once and I found that it was very large in comparison to Disneyland since it has 4 theme parks compared to the two at Disneyland Resort. Disneyland also has more of an at-home feeling versus the world stage at WDW.

16 - When is the best time of year to visit Disneyland and why?

Jeff - Choosing the best time of the year to go to Disneyland depends on what it is that you're wanting to achieve during your visit. Are you looking for a quiet time when there are smaller crowds? Or are you trying to celebrate a holiday like Halloween or Christmas? Or are you just trying to fit your visit in when you have free time or a holiday to use? Choosing the best time of year to visit Disneyland is really a personal choice.

17 - In the 6+ years you've been going, what has been your single favorite moment at Disneyland?

Jeff - It's hard to choose just one favorite moment when I've had more than 2,000 days to create memories at Disneyland. I have had so many different moments, like coming in through the castle on Day 366 to be met by the Disney Parks Chairman, who presented a gift basket with a parchment Certificate of Citizenship and a night in the Dream Suite. Staying in Disneyland over 24hrs and getting to see the sunset & sunrise in the same visit four times. Or getting to mark the completion of another year by sitting along the banks of the Rivers of America to watch Big Bad Voodoo Daddy perform and having fireworks go off marking midnight overhead.


18 - How many more consecutive days do you think you'll be able to go before the streak ends?

Jeff - I currently do not have an end date for my consecutive visits as I am still having fun going to the park every day.

19 - What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about Disneyland?

Jeff - By now, with social media and so much access, it's really hard to hide anything about a place like Disneyland that I think would surprise a lot of people. I have been more surprised as I have gotten to become friends with different folks like Disney artists and getting to find out what part of the magic they got to play in the creation of different aspects of the park.

20 - What is one thing very few people know about you?

Jeff - By now, many people have learned that I was a firefighter in the U.S. Force, but not everyone knows that I am also an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

Cheers to Jeff for sharing the details behind his impressive attendance streak.

As always, thanks to all of you for taking the time to read.

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