Were 80's and 90's sitcoms that terrible?

I was surfing the web the other day and ran across an article about some 80's and 90's sitcoms. I was ecstatic, I grew up on those shows and I hold them in fond memory. When I read the article, I was deeply disappointed in an author and her mindset. To be painfully honest, I was more upset with myself because, for a moment there, she managed to burst my happy little memory bubble. The article talked about 80's and 90's sitcoms and their misogynistic, bullying, and fat-shaming jokes and sketches. How didn't I notice them being like that before?

I am not saying they were not wrong on occasion, there was a lot of politically incorrect talk, there was misogyny, bullying and fat-shaming, and probably a lot more that we both skipped. My happy little bubble was cracked, "Am I an awful person because I enjoyed that type of humour"? The answer is NO! I know who I am, I know what my beliefs are and I know how to use my head and common sense to distinguish right from wrong. Was I a different person back then, hell yeah. I was a kid, I wasn't fully developed and I had different views on life. But you know what? I still enjoy that type of humour even dough I changed and grew up.

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
Chili Davis

Do I think they are funny today? Again hell yeah, the jokes are funny. Do I agree with the message they portray? Hmmmm, yes and no. In those days there was a different mindset, different social values, and social interaction, looking from today's perspective it is not fair to judge them, nor to judge people who enjoyed them or enjoy them today. At last, we are evolving as a society and as individuals. We are in constant state of motion and change so it is a wasteful handling of our resources to dwell on the past.

Past is here to teach us and remind us of who we used to be and what actions we took with what end results.

We have to learn from the past, not obsessively cling to it. If that is true for sitcoms, could it be true for us as individuals? Of course, it should be and it is. We all have a past, some things from our past we remember fondly, some not so much, some things excite us, some scare us and some shame us. We all have to remember that they are in the past and if we cling to them, they act like an anchor, slowing our progress and our wish to move forward. Clinging to the past is holding us from evolving into something greater and better than we used to be. Leave those memories where they belong, leave them in the past. Revisit them every once in a while, but just visit them, do not take them back with you. We as rational beings have a wonderful opportunity and capability of learning, why dont we use it more often?

“Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.”
Virginia Woolf

And as for the humour, it is greatly underestimated. Nowadays you can learn more truth from comedians then you can from journalists, sad but true. Smile and laugh whenever you can and as soon as possible, start laughing at your self. To laugh is to enjoy life. Start with yourself.

So tell me, what were your favourite comedy shows from the past? Do you still enjoy watching them?

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