You Are Exactly Where You Want to Be. Are You OK With That? Manifest Challenge 29

You have the amazing power to choose the life you want.

You have the life you want right now. You are in the relationship you chose. You have the job you want. You created everything around you- your home life, your social life, your financial situation.

If it is not going how you wish, it is because you have become complacent. Or you settled. Or a part of you is frightened of change or success.

If you are not satisfied with where you are at this very moment, first you must take ownership! Realize and admit it to yourself. Understand the part you played to get yourself where you are today. If you do not admit it to yourself, you cannot make the necessary changes, and the cycle will continue.

Then change it. Decide what you want and where you want to be and just do it!

Make clear goals. Make additions or eliminations as necessary. And keep moving toward the desired life you want. Do something every day toward your goal.

Visualize yourself living how you want. Picture yourself as if you already are. Just five minutes a day of this reinforces your brainwaves and makes positive changes.

And remember to be positive! You may falter, or backtrack, but do not beat yourself up about it. Treat that as an annoying bumblebee- allow it buzz for a minute and then let it fly on off to another flower.

Like attracts like. Positivity attracts the same.

And remember to be grateful for all the good things you have :)

Happy Weekend Steemates!

Create the life you want with the 30 Day Manifest Challenge!
Clean Your House. Manifest Challenge Day 24
Your Weakest Link. Manifest Challenge Day 25
Endless Cays of Rain. Manifest Challenge Days 26 & 27)
When you don't wanna get up... Day 28

Images via Pixabay

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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