Mental Health (14) 心理健康(十四)—【Insomnia 失眠】︳月旦評

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that regularly affects millions of people worldwide. In short, individuals with insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. The effects can be devastating.
Insomnia commonly leads to daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell, both mentally and physically. Mood swings, irritability, and anxiety are common associated symptoms.

Insomnia has also been associated with a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30-40 percent of American adults report that they have had symptoms of insomnia within the last 12 months, and 10-15 percent of adults claim to have chronic insomnia.

失眠(Sleep Disorder)

失眠(Sleep Disorder)的成因包括原發性及繼發性。10%至20%失眠患者屬原發性失眠,未能找出病源。其實,可能部份患者不需要睡太多時間,如長者或退休人士,生活輕鬆,所需睡眠時間相應減少,然而他們仍想睡更長時間,所以懷疑自己失眠。

繼發性的成因最常見是由身體疾病引發,如因為皮膚病而皮膚痕癢、哮喘發作、精神病如焦慮症、抑鬱症、精神衰弱、老人痴呆症、精神分裂等。又或是飲用含咖啡因、提神劑和酒精的飲料;或是環境陌生或嘈吵; 繼發性的成因包括「習慣性失眠」︰有少數人比一般人不易入睡,或比一般人睡得少些,但他們並無其他方面的不正常。這情況不是病態,一般不需要治療。

[Source by Unsplash]

We have spent more than 1/3 of life in sleeping, sleep quality has a direct relationship with the physiological clock. Here are six recommended ways by the psychotherapist:

  • Increase melatonin
    Methods: Get up and have the sunshine every day, the body will set their own in 14-16 hours, increase melatonin. To put it differently, if you want to sleep at 11 p.m., you have to get in touch with the sunshine at about 8 am.
    Principle: Melatonin is a hormone that helps our body distinguish morning and evening. And this hormone is converted from the serum, serotonin will increase when exposed to sunlight or exercise, and when the body is adequate serotonin, it will make the mood better.

  • Body temperature down method
    Method: Baptist spa will feel particularly good sleep, in fact, as long as before going to bed to cool the exercise, red water bath for a while can also make you easier to fall asleep.
    Principle: Japan sleep expert Junji Junya said: "The deeper the body temperature will sleep better." Deep body temperature actually refers to the temperature of the brain and internal organs, when the body temperature increases, the brain will order the temperature emitted from the hands and feet , Deep body temperature will rapidly decline, so you sleep better.

  • Quick blink method
    Method: After turning off the lights, staring at the ceiling repeatedly blinking until the eyelids get tired, it will be very easy to sleep.
    Principle: Blink action can fool your brain, tell it your eye muscle is already very tired, the eyes will not be slowly closed Enron sleep, persevere can indeed improve long-term insomnia.

  • Self hypnosis method
    Method: Lying in bed spread into a 'big' shape, and then close your eyes, focus on the eyebrows mind in my heart to meditation, 'my head more and more sink, like butter to dissolve.', Every few seconds After the bell, turn your attention to your right hand and meditate on 'My right hand is getting heavier.' And relax completely, letting your thoughts go to your right foot, then turning your mind to your left foot and left hand, and so on. When the idea is completed in a circle, you can return to the head to start again.
    Principle: The whole body nerves, muscles get a large stretch, it is equivalent to tell the whole body: "I want to sleep." This will allow you to relax in the shortest possible time, the treatment of insomnia at the same time, Anti-depression, anxiety, boredom and other negative emotions.
    Note: If you are left-handed, start from your left hand.

  • Intermittent muscle relaxation method
    Methods: First fist with both hands, tighten the biceps and forearm, while controlling the rest of the body also collapse collapse, and then slowly relax the body 20 seconds, repeat if the 20 times.
    Principle: As the relaxed state tells the head that you have to rest and calm down the whole person, it is easier to fall asleep.

  • 4,7,8 Breathing
    Method: use the nose inhale for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 7 seconds, and finally slowly exhale 8 seconds. Repeat the above action 3 times, you will sleep better than BB. This group of actions may begin to do more than may be done several times, will be effective, but as long as you persist, 1 week you can sleep peacefully within 60 seconds.
    Principle: Deep oxygen breathing allows more oxygen to enter the lungs, helping to relieve stress and calm down people.


  • 增加褪黑激素

  • 體溫降底法

  • 快速眨眼法

  • 自我催眠法

  • 間歇性肌肉放鬆法

  • 4、7、8呼吸法

Introduction of Mental Health-Part I︳ 心理健康介紹(一)(1)
Introduction of Mental Health-Part II︳心理健康介紹(二) (2)
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Emotional Problems︳情緒之悲秋 (4)
Misconceptions of Mental Disorder︳戲假情真/戲真情假? (5)
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Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part II︳強迫症(下) (10.5)
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