Let's make cute butterflies!
When I woke up this morning, I knew this day was going to be special. We brought my father home from the hospital, the Sun was shining, it was warm and I saw a lovely little butterfly, first one this year. It inspired me to write a tutorial so all of us can carry these little guys around with us where ever we go.
List of materials used
- black, pink and purple thread
- sewing needle and scissors
- purple felt
- paper and pencil
- buttons
- cotton wool
- metal keychain
For the purposes of this tutorial, I made a purple butterfly. You can make them in any colour you wish, I already have seven different ones. You can even make them multicoloured.
If you do not like buttons, your butterflies could be decorated with any small things that you like, just glue the decorations at the end.
Step by step instructions
1. The first thing you need to do is draw a butterfly shape on your paper and cut it out. This will be your mould that will help you cut the same shape out of felt. Use a normal paper of average thickness, it can be white or in any other colour.
2. Using your paper mould, draw the shape in felt two times. You will need to use a darker pencil on this colour, but if you are making a white butterfly, any pen will do. You need two pieces because you will sew them together later.
3. Carefully cut your two butterfly shapes out of felt. When you have the two pieces, put them one under the other and fix them a little with your scissors if needed because they have to be the exact same size.
4. Arrange the buttons on one piece of your felt. Use the black ones for body and the others as you wish. Using your black thread, sew the black buttons and using your pink thread sew the pink ones on to the felt butterfly shape. Now you are ready for the final part of this project.
The sewing part
The first thing you need to do is sew the metal keychain part to one piece of felt. Sew it to the piece that has no buttons, it will be easier for you.
When you have one piece with the buttons on it, and another with the metal keychain, put them one atop the other so the small piece of metal thing is between two felt pieces and the buttons are facing you.
Using you purple thread, sew two pieces of felt together leaving a small hole at the end. Fill the butterfly with cotton and then finish off the sewing.
Congrats! You made a butterfly keychain!
Do you like my little cute felt butterflies? I hope you do 😁. Feel free to leave me your opinions and reactions in the comments below.
For my "Philosophy of happiness" posts, please follow these links:
- Are you carrying prejudices?
- Thank your parents, they did the best they could
- Where attention GOES, energy FLOWS
- How to decipher your DREAMS
- Panic attacks - a heart-attack monsters
- Contrasting experiences lead to appreciation
- A TABOO topic, shhh...
- Why do you hate Mondays?
- Lucid dreaming - being aware that you are in a dream
- Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
- Personal journey to a land of mental disorders and back
- FAKE smiles are unhealthy
- What are the ROOTS of the embarrassment WEED?
- Why do we and how do we learn ANYTHING?
- How to train your brain to be positive
- Do you KNOW how to love and be loved?
- What is the philosophy of HAPPINESS?
- Are you carrying emotional WOUNDS or emotional SCARS?
- THE BRAIN talking about A BRAIN
- Science behind "THE CHANGE" and why are we so good at procrastination
made by @simgirl