Greetings Steemit,
Here is my Open Mic Week 46 submission!
The last (and only other) time I did this was about a month back, and I've still been listening to Hamilton the Musical non-stop since. So in that model: Here's another song from that masterpiece.
In this scene: George Washington is issuing a promotion to Alexander Hamilton - and is attempting to explain the responsibilities of command.
To me the song has a deeper meaning - in that I've lost a lot of friends, family, and loved ones over the years, and this short 90 second song really hit home the first time I heard it.
I'm often lost in reflections about what impressions my path here on this host cell Earth will last, after I'm gone - based on having to proverbially mentally 'Check people off the list, as they pass' often - leaving me wondering what others will be saying about me, when that day comes.
This song seems to me to be saying "No matter how Powerful you are - you have no say on how people remember your legacy" which is personally an eerily familiar theme to me.
Its early, I've had 1 cup of coffee, and figured I'd start my day attempting to sing a monster of a song for you fine Steemians.. Hope you enjoy!
"History Has Its Eyes On You"
I was younger than you are now
When I was given my first command
I led my men straight into a massacre
I witnessed their deaths firsthand
I made every mistake
And felt the shame rise in me
And even now I lie awake
[Washington (Laurens/Mulligan):]
Knowing history has its eyes on me (Whoa oh oh…)
[Hamilton/Washington (Company):]
History has its eyes on me (Whoa oh oh…)
Let me tell you what I wish I'd known
When I was young and dreamed of glory
You have no control
[Washington And Company:]
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
I know that we can win
I know that greatness lies in you
But remember from here on in
[Washington/Hamilton and men (Ensemble):]
History has its eyes on you (Whoa oh oh…)
[Full Company:]
History has its eyes on you
Cheers Steemit!
-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast
-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important
-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)
-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music