Greetings Steemit,
In a World that sometimes seems to have gone mad - I've discovered that I really like to watch positive & uplifting videos. I've also discovered that I really like to share the better finds with other people - in an attempt to maximize their contagiously uplifting effect.
Continuing an experiment I've dabbled with on other social media sites, I'm going to start listing some of my favorite selections here on Steemit. I talk often about how positive & uplifting our little Steemit community can be - so I feel that this series fits the bill appropriately, and I hope these videos leave you smiling.
So here's another submission in an ongoing series that I like to call:
+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side

Sensitive Child brings Mother to Tears
I was having Lunch with my Niece & Nephew the other day when there was a heartwarming moment. Well, in all fairness, I seem to experience a high percentage of heartwarming moments when in their company - but in this particular moment we were finishing up our hearty portions of assorted lunch items when my Mother made a comment in passing about how I could take a carton of half eaten Chinese food home.
Technically belonging to my 6 year old Nephew, I paused to ask his permission - and without any hesitation or ego he said "sure". Sitting next to him, my 3 year old Niece chimed in unprompted: "Uncle Jason you can take my leftovers home too!". I smiled widely and thanked her for her generosity - but it seriously did hit me in that moment how fast and thoughtless they both were in offering to give away their food. I already knew that these are great kids with wonderful parents, but even still - they sometimes surprise me.
(Their Father, my Brother-in-Law, actually activated his account tonight if anyone wants to pop over & say 'Welcome to Steemit' or see pics of these aforementioned cuties: @bronxb17 )
Ever since that lovely pair of giggly genetics entered this World, I've said that hanging out with them gives me hope for humanity, and even in their infancy as experienced 'alive' humans, they still say & do things often that just humble me to my core.. as if these 2 kids (or any kid not spoiled by this sometimes sick sad dirty World) enter this host cell Earth with some inherent kindness or deeper understanding in how to treat each other correctly - that we as Adults have lost in the spoils of this pressures cooker that is 'Life'.
I personally feel like I've retained a fair amount of my 'child like' mentality while aging into young-middle-adulthood (not to be confused with a 'childish mentality', there is a big difference!) - That said: I also know that not everyone has been lucky in this regard.
One day about a year ago I was standing in the office I worked at when a man entered the lobby that I at first, did not recognize. I made a simple greeting and a few seconds later, noticed that I was standing before an old friend. This guy & I had graduated High School together, have some pretty funny party stories that would probably anger our parents if disclosed, and was one of those friends that I lost touch with yet always kinda wondered what had happened to him.
He was far skinnier than before, wore thick glasses now, and was sporting a completely white beard & haircut. (Like: Santa Clause White) The man looked like he had aged 50 years in the 18 years since we had last crossed paths. He explained to me the hectic twists & turns his life had taken since our last meeting and it was apparent that he had aged immaturely both outside & in. Standing there - I could feel how tired his soul was.
My point in mentioning my old friend, though admittedly being off topic, is that I often wonder what we come into this world already genetically understanding about the Universe, that is lost along the way. I doubt anyone would disagree that we change as we develop, taking on character traits imprinted via the society & environment around us.
What do my Niece & Nephew know now, before spoiled by the World around them, that will be lost along the way potentially leaving them somewhere between where I'm at developmentally in life at this age (or better) vs My old High School Friend?
I'm not sure I could answer this question - and sometimes I like to ask questions that can't be answered. If we're to come full circle here its to reference that notion that I mentioned at the beginning of this post, which kinda sticks with me the most.. wondering how much more of the childhood "Jason/GiftedGaia" can I retain as I tick off the years on this celestial amusement park ride we call 'Life'?
Not knowing any definitive answers - the best progression forward comes along side some astounding examples of these patterns - provided by children who could probably teach us a thing or two, should we drop our ego & choose to listen.
Que our main protagonist - this sensitive little Angel who's awareness of the World around him brings his Mother to tears at the dinner table. This video did break Viral a few years ago, and many of you may have seen it already. I wish I knew more about the context, which I do not speak the language listed here - so I'm sadly ignorant to any back story.
What I do know is that this humble child is a perfect example of what I'm speaking about. To me it totally seems as if he's arrived into this existence with a recognition & appreciation for the ecosystem he was born into that far surpasses most grown Adults that currently coast this Earth.
I also love watching this child's facial reactions during the video. These 'Aha' moments remind me of my Niece and Nephew vividly. Perhaps if we could all just disconnect from the movements that are the distractions of our lives - we'd find a deeper connectivity to the World around us that we've forgotten we used to know? If not that, perhaps this little boy is on to something and we should be paying attention?
I do know that I've seen a lot of terrible children out there running a foot (which is totally a product of terrible parents) so I can't help be a little thankful to see videos like this - a child who seems to be off to a banner start.. and in my opinon a true example when we should add:
+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side

Cheers Steemit!
-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast
-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important
-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)
-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music