Open Mic Night Wk 17 Entry: What Could Go Wrong? (Original Song)

I believe this to be one of my first story raps ever, if not my very first story rap. I hope you all enjoy it for what it's worth, I had a lot of fun with this one 8 years ago. It's amazing how far I've progressed and improved in my passionate music career. Please forgive me rapping over my own vocals, very ironic that I had to do so for this video because I couldn't find the beat. Emcees/Rappers, do not rap over your own vocals without a valid excuse! lol Live performance over studio any day.

Full Song Lyrics and Due Credits provided below.

Song's Due Credits

Beat Produced by Verbal D

Chorus Written, Created & Performed by Verbal D

Verses 1 & 2 & 3 Written, Created & Performed by Verbal D

Full Song Lyrics:

Verbal D
Verse 1:
Just waking up, it’s such a beautiful day
So I pull up the blinds and let the sun hit face
Got my girl on my mind and just for the occasion
I’m feeling romantic, gonna show my dedication
Just for the hell of it, tryin to be considerate
Illiterate, ‘cause you can’t read me a little bit
Randomly practicing acts of kindness
I used to be fighter but I cut the violence
Quick to get fresh as I hopped in the shower
In less than an hour
I’ve got her flowers
Bouquets so tall, they over Tower
Devour me a slice of pizza
Jump in the whip and roll down the block
Radio’s bumping old school hip hop
I cross an intersection after passing a cop
Then a truck hits me from a Hollywood stop, man…

Verbal D
It’s A Beautiful Day
In A Beautiful World
Gotta Smile On My Face
Gotta Beautiful Girl
So Glad I Woke Up Today
What Could Go Wrong?

Verbal D
Verse 2:
I blacked out after all the hyperventilating
There were voices in my head I didn’t know what they were saying
Now looking down on the ground, there he was laying
His body all twisted, blending in with the pavement
Towed my car to the shop
Had a homie pick me up but I still had to drop
Off these flowers in my hand
Didn’t want her waiting on her man
So I called her up and started making some plans
But every time I talked in the background
I heard something else other than her voice Man, What was that sound?
She said it was the TV, please believe me
I’m busy this evening, please forgive me

I was about ask a question but I lost the call
I looked at the phone but it wasn’t me at all
I had full reception, now she got me second guessing and
I tried to call back but I had to leave a message like

Verbal D
It’s A Beautiful Day
In A Beautiful World
Gotta Smile On My Face
Gotta Beautiful Girl
So Glad I Woke Up Today
What Could Go Wrong?

Verbal D
Verse 3:
I drove to her house and I walked right in
The front door closed quietly behind me then
I, realized in the corner of my eye
A black leather jacket that was hung up high
I took it off the hook and looked in the pockets
I found a gold chain with a heart-shaped locket

It said for every star in the blue night sky
I will love you always until all the lights die

I snuck upstairs, left the jacket on the floor
Slid my feet right up to her bedroom door
I grit my teeth as I heard the bed squeaking
Who would ever think my girl would start cheating?
Just hoping that she would be watching pornos
Swung the door open, saw their legs and elbows
They ran for their clothes, and the image was blinding
The last thing I saw was my best friend hiding…damn

Verbal D
It’s A Beautiful Day
In A Beautiful World
Gotta Smile On My Face
Gotta Beautiful Girl
So Glad I Woke Up Today
What Could Go Wrong?

Song Lyrics Copyrighted By Verbal D

Well, thank you again for reading and listening to the post in its entirety.

If you missed my other previous Melodious Music Memoirs, including Open Mic Contest Wk Entries, Please click on the provided links below:

Melodious Music Memoirs # 1: Change The World
Melodious Music Memoirs # 2: Impact
Melodious Music Memoirs # 3: My Mother
Melodious Music Memoirs # 4: Statements
Melodious Music Memoirs # 5: Love, Passion, Passion, Love
Melodious Music Memoirs # 6: Nothing But Bliss - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 2 Entry
Melodious Music Memoirs # 7: The Bitcoin Song - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 3 Entry
Melodious Music Memoirs # 8: Vacay - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 4 Entry
Open Mic Night Wk 5 Entry: Grim Is Out Stretching Death Fields
Melodious Music Memoirs # 9: When Darkness Falls
Open Mic Night Wk 6 Entry: Amnesia
Open Mic Night Wk 7 Entry: Last Day
Open Mic Night Wk 8 Entry: Spaceman Jones
Open Mic Night Wk 9 Entry: Somehow
Melodious Music Memoirs # 10: Structural Adaptation Acoustic and Oriental Versions
Melodious Music Memoirs # 11: All Dogs Go To Heaven - R.I.P. Bear
Melodious Music Memoirs # 12: Epic Arena
Melodious Music Memoirs # 13: Fast Lane
Open Mic Night Wk 10 Entry: End Of My Season
Melodious Music Memoirs # 14: Industrial Flames All Fired Up
Open Mic Night Wk 11 Entry: Get With The BlockChain
Melodious Music Memoirs # 15: Shattered Rainbows, Broken Skies
Melodious Music Memoirs # 16: Whip
Melodious Music Memoirs # 17: Romance & Bliss
Open Mic Night Wk 12 Entry: Crime Lord
Melodious Music Memoirs # 18: Do You See What Chia Seeds?
Open Mic Night Wk 13 Entry: Dad, I Believe That's Love
Open Mic Night Wk 14 Entry: Barz
Melodious Music Memoirs # 19: Recuperation, Rejuvenation
Melodious Music Memoirs # 20: Wisdom Of The Ancients
Open Mic Night Wk 15 Entry: M.A.S.H. Theme
Open Mic Night Wk 16 Entry: Lass Gehn, Let's Go!
Melodious Music Memoirs # 21: It's Hard To Trust But To Love… I Must

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $283 and .92 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $00.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided:, but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@scammymcspambot, @prufarchy,, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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