Art #61 : Drawing Jesus of Nazareth

It is a Divine Mercy Sunday.

I served in 2 Holy Eucharistic Mass

  • 06: 00 AM Mass
  • 10:30 AM Mass

Then, I had a meeting with the PPC or Parish Pastoral Council since I am the voice of the Parish Youth Coordinating Council as President.
We finished at 3:30 PM.

I bought a medicine since I have a fever now.

Then, I went home.

I decided that before I take a rest, since I had taken the paracetamol immediately when I arrived home, I would finish my drawing that I started last night. Here it is :)


I would like to show the progress of my drawing. I hope you like it.

I sketched the outline of the face of Jesus using a graphite pencil in a long-sized vellum board.IMG_20180407_204242.jpg
I decided to use a hatching and cross-hatching style. If you look at my previous drawings, I used this method. I want to challenge myself from time to time with new skills.IMG_20180407_210318.jpg
It is my practice to start on the left section of the drawing. So I started with the hair, down to the forehead, eye brows, nose, mouth and left beard. But you can also discover which is suitable for you.IMG_20180407_211634.jpg
At dawn, I drew the upper right section of the drawing because I woke up after a bad dream. To divert my attention, I got my red Faber-Castell pen and started sketching.IMG_20180408_020942.jpg
I just finished my Jesus artwork this afternoon and I feel great about it. This is my celebration for the feast of the Divine Mercy which is celebrated a Sunday next to Easter Sunday.IMG_20180408_162417.jpg
I hope you like this simple art. I apologize for taking a picture with my drawing. I just want to see if I look the same with Jesus.IMG_20180408_162510.jpg

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